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A member registered Jul 29, 2023

Recent community posts

Whoops. Sure enough, my memory failed me. Thank you.

I'm pretty sure you need to already have at least one high quality pass on hand to use as reference before you can use a pen to fix low quality passes.

I'm running a new game +, and I don't seem to have the option to (don't continue reading if you don't want potential spoilers)

give the fairies cheese. Am I just misremembering the progression, or is this a bug?

Rwesda, I have the android version. The problem is that I downloaded it a while ago and have no way of knowing what version it is. Nether the application name, settings menu, or game home screen seem to have version information. Granted, it is not a big problem, and would be solved by just redownloading the latest version and transferring the saves, but I am nothing if not lazy.

I recommend a version number on the game's home screen. I was at the itch main page, and I had no idea whether I had 0.86 or 0.86.3

On a more aesthetic note - 👠