Game crashes without any error popup. And give to text bar some "Skip" option, which is most frustrating thing after crashing.
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When are you gonna release next update? I can't wait for next tasks and other things. Game is really good, smooth animations, easy to play, has some lore (for example history of Cece isn't poetical masterpiece, but be honest, who does even care about these things in erogames)? One word - interesting.
I have some problem with downloading the game. Download stops and Google Chrome say it's always because of "Internet failure/forbidden" - in polish: "Niepowodzenie - błąd sieci" - even if my connection works well.
My question is if couldn't someone make me a favor and give a link to file at another file upload (server), it might be Mega for example - it's actually fastest file upload service for me, so I could download the game without any problem.
Please help!