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Thank you kindly, I will keep that in mind ^^

Hi there!

Thank you for playing the game!

That is the end of the current content I'm afraid, there should have been a dialogue indicator but it might have misfired in your case (I will make sure to make a proper quest entry or something indicating that you are caught up with the story ^^).


Hey there, thank you for your comment! While I would love to do that sooner than later the game still has a controls system which is not yet set in stone. When the systems and controls are more or less stable (around version 0.3.0) I will start developing the apk version of the game ^^

No problem at all, I cordially invite you to the Discord server (link in the main menu of the game) to be always up to date when it comes to game news ^^

Apk version will be released when all the controls are set in stone and when the development process will be a little more advanced. At the moment I am still fiddling with the movement still, redoing block, attack mechanics will be next I think. After those are done, I will announce key rebinding function + apk release.

Hey there ^^

New update will most likely drop next week, I will release version 0.1.5 to meet the goals from my roadmap. It will be considerably bigger that the previous 0.1.3 patch.

Skills such as dash, heavy attack and double jump will be unlockable by doing quests/objectives, similarly to how the crafting system was introduced.

When it comes to multiple pregnancy, this will come with one of the future patches. I have the groundwork done for that but need a clever way to do a couple calculations in the backend ^^



Go left and enter the Spawnie Cave, merchant will be in one of the rooms. Also, make sure to join the discord in the future, got a nice little community that helps themselves out ^^

Hey there, thank you for playing ^^ There will be a ranged option in the future along with a seduction mechanic. Not planning on more melee weapons, at least for now.

Hi there, 

Thank you for trying the game out in this early stage of development ^^ 

Character movement is being a little bit toned each patch, so it will soon be acceptable to most I think ;)

Controls are still WIP, as I am adding new systems and interactions each patch. Once that is all stable and settled, I will implement an option to remap the keys + easy access to the currently chosen scheme.

Hi there!
Glad that you liked the premise of the game. We are in a veeery early point in the development and I've got a lot of ideas I want to implement. However, my main focus will always be pregnancy content. Check my subscribestar/patreon or discord for some more updates. You will also find a roadmap there.