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Amanda P.

A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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this is great, I will link it

this is so nice!

totally can do

Awesome. I messaged him directly to address it. I am still sorry you had this happen but am glad it’s resolved.

Thank you for reaching out. I just followed up with my contact information for LFOSR because that’s unacceptable to me. In terms of Pilgrimage going back into print, I am looking at Lulu potentially for print on demand.

just added some more ty

truly fun to contribute to

You don’t need it. It was originally in the adventure and the encounter got cut but the monster block didn’t

Thank you! I hope you enjoy playing it.

I’m hoping to buying a physical copy for my next campaign, will it be available somewhere?

Aw thanks Tim!

that’s awesome! thanks for letting me know

that’s wonderful! I am glad you enjoyed it.

I recently ran this using Mausritter and it worked great. it’s one of my favorite adventures by Nate Treme and his work is all very awesome so that’s saying something

thank you!

That’s such a neat idea and makes so much sense! Thank you for sharing this with me. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Corey! so kind. can’t wait to hear about this solo play through.


Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed it.


AW thanks! i had a little fun

I love Pine Barrens adventures and we need more pine barrens adventures!

This is so kind! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

I accidentally made the downloadable file hidden, fixed now

Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

So cool! Thank you for making this.

This is so lovely. And yes, the Oubliette Situation could go in a truly wild number of directions.

Sweet I just wanted to ask first 🎉


I just wrote/laid out/arted an adventure and am curious if it is allowed to be entered since it’s not it’s own game, it’s an adventure for other games.

Very excited to read this!

This is very neat! I can’t wait to read it. Also: the pdf seems to be locked so you can’t print the file.

Thank you for this feedback! Glad you enjoyed the game overall and thank you for checking it out

It totally was but I’m slowing down and drawing stuff which has been restorative. Thank you for your kind words!

I am playing in a game of this now and it’s been incredible! Super dynamic game, really interesting stakes, intergalactic politics and maneuvering are very fun

(1 edit)

Verses: The Last Blade lets you go on a quest wielding a dead god-sword and you might be cursed? I cannot recommend it more highly.

Playlist created by Blinking Birch games.

Thanks to the Weekly Scroll for featuring Pilgrimage of the Sun Guard

What an incredible resource

I run a Spelljammer campaign and I think this is so fantastic! I can’t wait to use it.

(3 edits)

Material Culture

Striga, Faun


  • Stone, Wood Bone and Horn, Skins, Hair and Wool, Clay, Plant Fiber
  • Copper
  • Advanced with Wood


The basic architectural style is split log longhouses. They are known to create homes for times or trouble in the trees of their heavily wooded forest area.


The culture honors the lunar phases specifically the Crescent Moon and New Moon. They call the Crescent Moon the Blessed Smile, stolen away by the Shadow of the New Moon, a time for caution.

The Time of the Smile is a celebration of great feasting, joy and dancing. The Shadow Time is celebrated by a festival where children dress as the Smiling Man or the Shadow and chase one another. The Smiling Man is a devilish trickster.

Virtue and Value

This culture values personal cunning. Cunning has helped their people survive in the great forest and brought the early Soviety together. Their society values Freedom. What this looks like is that every person contributes to the community but is expected to develop an interest of personal significance, a spark. They balance exploring their spark with supporting the needs of the community.