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A member registered 72 days ago

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How about them adding colour specific chests to the tower and colosseum?  

Say a 40% chance that a coloured chest will spawn in lieu of a regular chest of the same quality. 

At least then you'd be able to have improved odds of hunting a card, especially at higher tiers. It would also make for tactical choices: in the colosseum - go for more points or go for an easier chest that has a chance of drawing a card you desire.  I'd rather have my odds reduced to 1 in ~16 over 1 in 77.

in the tower - burn or spend diamonds to open a chest when your slots are full. When the odds are low for a common card, I accept burning the chest and taking the initial gold.

(6 hours before launch). Hoping that this isn't a deck with start the game with 3 gems of charge as it's bonus .  Crossing my fingers for +100% damage or +1 gem level.

Having done a little reading around it appears an older version of the game had an exploit that allowed players to drop their tower rating in order to get easier opponents in the colosseum; this has been since removed in an update much like the removal of healing gems.

Now, all that dropping your tower rating does is allow you to have a long run of fights before you have to worry about rising to the next challenge rating. You'd want to do this as the amount of silver awarded during events is based on chest type with no modifier for tower level. i.e. a legendary chest pays the same silver at level 12 or level 4.  All that differs is the number of cards you get when you open it.

What you are seeing are a number of old accounts that haven't been touched in a while - they don't delete inactive accounts. I've migrated to tier 4 since my last post and have yet to draw anyone above 35k hp, with most being less than 15k with basic rainbow decks or with cards from earlier sets. I was expecting a tougher selection based on the lurkers in tier 5. 

They applied an update that changed the rules to prevent killer smurfs.

It works off your highest ever recorded rank in the tower.  I tried dropping down to Level 11 and staying there until the weekly timer ended. I didn't raise my level until the next weekly event started but was still presented with my best level-4 as my soft option.

I changed my tactics: I've delayed progressing up the tower so I can farm new cards.

(1 edit)

All mythic cards have upgradeable abilities; some of the earlier sets also have an effect that can linger for 3 turns. These haven't been implimented since the 7th set for each colour and are unlikely to comeback as it's now set 17-ish that is being released.

To upgrade a mythic card's skill you need 2 things.  The first is to level up the Mythic card to level 5/10/15/20/25. The second thing  you will need are libido gems; the amount depends on whether you're trying to reach level 2/3/4/5/6. Each tier costs 5 more than the last, as tier 2 costs 5 gems and tier 6 costs 25 gems. Usually the colour of the card matches the colour of the libido gem required; however there are at least 2 exceptions where the wrong colour is needed (Sumi (B) - Nuns (R); Dieter (R) - Necromancers (P) ) .

To acquire these gems you're going to have to do one of four things: 

1) beat a world boss stage that is a multiple of 5 to get that many gems of the colour they correspond to . e.g. stage 5 = 5 gems.

2) reach the end of the colosseum - defeat all 12 mandatory stages and go for the hardest optional stage: 45,000 pts (green banner). You can ignore the five optional stages (red banner) that grant more cards. You'll need a high tower rank and large deck to even consider this.

 3) get a top 2 finish in the daily rankings of an event - Usually 32,000 points as a minimum for 2nd.

4) pay $50 for the upgraded buttpass during an event and reach step 8. 

Note: #4 only worth considering if you can reach at least step 16 of 17;  then you can also collect 5 card pulls - 1 of each rarity of the same element as the current event. e.g. Light themed event = light only selection. The card pulls will give you 8-10 options irrespective of the rank.

numbers 2 - 4 see you recieve a special chest that grants 5 gems of the colour of your choice.

Don't assume that all mythics are created as equals. Some abilities are rubbish for quite a while, others are great from the start. See what damage they do with your hand before commiting.

As person who fits this criteria (L5 rated with 30.2k HP, full green perks, base damage of 1093), I'll explain why I haven't progressed further up the ratings to L2 or L3, where I probably should be.

The simple answer is I'm using the colosseum to gather 4 cards per cycle. By not progressing up the tower (which determines your colosseum rating), I can gather a 3x multiplier and sustain it long enough to gather 4 cards in 3 sessions. Each session can last about an hour as I can play 30+ hands before I'm out of options - low level common cards. By having a large health pool I can make synergised hands with 500 base damage defeat opponents with 12k HP. This allows me to play casually and still be succesful.

My goal is to collect at least 50% of the legendary cards before increasing my tower rating, which is about +15 cards from where I'm currently at. Besides, the cards you get for completing the tower aren't the best when compared to more recent premium sets.

Recently picked up two of the adored ones (common & rare) - the third  light set and the first one with a perk, where all the lasses are African tribal designs. You really need to get them re-worked. 

The ONLY way you can reliably trigger their ability is to first play the rare card from the children of the sun set as this places 3 healing gems on the board, otherwise you're hoping that the rare card from the ladies of the sea set places healing gems on the board. 

The simplest switch would make the Rare, Epic & Legendary cards a clone of the Tamelesses set whereby X gems adjacent to the light gems become light gems to generate damage.  Keeping the mythic as is would provide variety. The set perk could be switched to -80% dark gem damage as that is the only damage type that doesn't have a damage penalty against it.

My tactic is to chase the common & rare cards in the colosseum and weekly events. At the time of writing there are 81 different sets. 5 levels in common or 4 levels in rare gives you the first gem. 8 levels in both or 5 if you've got 3 cards in a set will get you the second gem . That's 162 low cost gems.

Regarding the number of decks available as of 27-12-2024. There are 15 Earth decks, 16 for Fire, Water & Dark,  but 18 for Light.

When looking at the deck perks all colours have 7 common abilities, but light has 2 unique ones - 2x more Health replenishment from healing gems for the Adored Ones set (seems redundant since gems no longer spawn naturally) and dark skills recharge 6 gems slowers for the Tamelesses sets.

Are there any plans to roll out the latter buff (slower recharge) to the other 4 elements, following the same  logic as the -80% damage abilities?.  So Fire slows Earth, Water slows Fire, Earth slows Water and Light slows Dark. Or do users choose not to equip the Tamelesses deck and that's why the set is the only one with that ability?

Random deck design idea - Earth Deck: Swamp Witches. 

Have the skill be 1-4 columns of gems be removed when activated. However, to add some variety instead of it being column 1 or column 6 as the starting point how about the following pattern: C3, C4, C2, C5. This would leave the outer edges untouched. 

Or use an unorthodox pattern such as C2-C5 on the bottom row, C3 & C4 on the row above to remove 6 gems for the rare, add the mirror of this to the top of the playing field to remove 12 gems for the epic;  Add a full row of 6 to the top and bottom to remove 24 gems for the legendary. For The Mythic add 2x 4 gemT-shaped indents at the sides to remove 32 gems in total. Leveling the ability up would increase the number of strikes and a potential gem level up.