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A member registered Mar 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

(1 edit)

It's an HTML game not something like Ren'py. I don't know if the saves would work in incognito mode though you might be able to simply do a save to disk perhaps.

Well, stats I am going to try. Freeroam is something I had in this game and it was a lot of work and made it hard to tell a coherent story.

There are a couple of BDSM paths though now that I think about it, they're all lesbian focused. The sequel will probably have a more developed BDSM pathway.

Still ongoing. I go in for an outpatient surgery on the 13th to hopefully resolve stuff. A bit nervous but ready to have it behind me.

(1 edit)

I see the confusion. You don't have to use a specific skill to increase it. Any 5 times you succeed at a skill check, regardless of which skills you used, you get to increase any one skill of your choice. 

I chose not to make skill checks obvious to make things more immersive. I think it was both a pro and a con. I haven't decided if I'll do that in the sequel name or not.

Wow! Thank you so much!

Feel free to leave a review if you like!

The current version was supposed to end when you fell off the boat. However, the version I uploaded to mistakenly had one full scene from the next version when she wakes up and a render from the scene after that was a partly written scene. I'm sorry for the confusion. The next version is hopefully going to my Patrons in January and will be here in mid February if it helps any.

So, this is embarrassing. The Cthulhu monster part is actually from 0.4. When I uploaded to I was working on 0.4 already and forgot to disable access to that scene and put an end of content banner up. all get that incomplete scene.

I see what it is. All the other skills use a mix of attributes and karma to set their levels. Thievery uses fitness though. It looks like I just had a massive brain fart as it is originally set to body but during level up uses fitness. Thus if you have a high fitness it gives a big boost to thievery. I've fixed it now so going forward it'll be correct.

Was this in the night before your dream? If I did my calculations right your thievery should be 62. I have no idea why it is showing as 99. That's quite the bizarre bug. 

No it's not intentional. Perhaps you also raised one of the stats thievery uses?

I'm not sure how I'd make an android version. It's an HTML game so it should work pretty much anywhere. As far as I know, the biggest issue with phones and tablets is some of them block access to local file IE the images. I know there is a way around it but don't know the specifics since I only play games on a PC or a console.

You're welcome!

This update will primarily have:

Another scene with one of the vampires if they are part of your game.

A chance to investigate one of your suspects who might be behind it all.

A potential side quest with Eric and Wolfram on a boat!

And another scene with the priest and/or doctor. 

I think I've missed some stuff but that's the major parts of the update.

When I'm done with it. I have an idea in mind when I'd like to shoot for but I don't want to say yet. Later in July I hope to be ready to say.

I need to post a devlog with some previews. I've put some up on my Discord and on my Patreon.

I'm working on it. 

There are two times you can pose for Ray. 
1) if you are blackmailed by him that night you have to pose.

2) On Saturday if you've been blackmailed by him you can pose again during your little side quest with Amber and Anya.

The Amber introduction is now fixed. I'm surprised no one else has reported it. I literally just typed the default name instead of the variable for the player name. Silly of me.

As for the library, I think that's fixed but haven't had a chance to test it yet.

You can't pass it. There isn't a way to find Lisa before she dies.

What do you mean by shows that it was missed? If I remember right it will show as a failed task because it was failed. I guess technically you find her body but that wasn't the "mission."

You'll find out the answer to both questions by Saturday in-game!

Go to the diner. He'll show up there.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I hope you enjoy!

It already has a zip to download. It used to be playable right here but they said it has too many images now.

Dominance is a stat I probably should have done a better job on.

A woman.

If you're wanting to see the Ray blackmai:
When you're at the Patterson's house and have the chance to steal the key, try to do so and fail.

Right now there isn't a way to raise willpower but I've been considering a way to put it in! Hopefully I remember!

I'm glad you liked it!

I did some Googling. It looks like it might be a security thing on the phone? Basically, the phone isn't letting the HTML file access stuff from the file system. Perhaps there is a setting you can change to loosen that security but sadly I don't know what it would be.

That's odd. So when you unzipped it there was an images folder right? I have no idea why you wouldn't have images unless something went wrong when you unzipped it.

Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you. I believe the Corvus image issue is fixed in the new release. I'll take a look at the notebook issue.

If you mean on Saturday, it's a skill check. You should be able to make it. There is a save point and a strong hint to save so worst case you might have to save scum. I probably shouldn't have made that scene a skill check and made it purely choice based.

That makes sense. And that is more or less how she is in the comics as well. She is a very kind character and I actually have t-shirts and a doll of her. 

As for the spirit, it's not a gas mask. I would say what it is but that's a big clue to his actual identity which quite a few players have figured out already.

I haven't watched it yet but I did read some of the comics that a friend had. My favorite character was easily death.