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A member registered Jun 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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you are welcome, I hope these sprites will be helpful! I look forward to play a demo of your game.

Please, choose another US 5,00 pack, and I will give it to you, too!

hey there! here is the download link:

Sure, man! I got not much money right now, but I can at least help on the purchase of at least one 5 dollar pack! Wich one do you want

I am also a 2d/3d/VFX illustrator, and perhaps I could be in help if you need some specific char or artwork. Please check my Art Station: ArtStation - Marcelo Motta

Whoa I am speechless! These sprites will be really helpful in the game I am making. Thank you very much ^_^

I really like that art style! Have you made the art by yourself or is it taken from a paid pack?

Really awesome graphics!

hey there! Your game is looking really awesome! I look forward to see a playable demo! Keep it up, pease!

thank you very much! ^_^

Here is a video tutorial with the explanations about the main game design/mechanics involved in my indie game project, called Foot Fire! 

I am still wotking on the game rules, so there will be many changes and improvements to be done! 

You can check out the playable demo version:

Here is a video tutorial with the explanations about the main game design/mechanics involved in my indie game project, called Foot Fire! 

I am still wotking on the game rules, so there will be many changes and improvements to be done! 

I would love to get FEEDBACKS about the game design and game rules in general, so that I could improve it and make it more ballanced and innovative!

You can check out the playable demo version:

Here is a video tutorial with the explanations about the main game design/mechanics involved in my indie game project, called Foot Fire! 

I am still wotking on the game rules, so there will be many changes and improvements to be done! 

You can check out the playable demo version:

Here is a video tutorial with the explanations about the main game design/mechanics involved in my indie game project, called Foot Fire! 

I am still wotking on the game rules, so there will be many changes and improvements to be done! 

You can check out the playable demo version:

Here is a video tutorial with the explanations about the main game design/mechanics involved in my indie game project, called Foot Fire

I am still wotking on the game rules, so there will be many changes and improvements to be done!

You can check out the playable demo version:

Hi everyone!

Here is a video tutorial with the explanations about the main game design/mechanics involved in my indie game project, called Foot Fire!

I am still wotking on the game rules, so there will be many changes and improvements to be done!

You can check out the playable demo version:

Hi everyone!

Here is a video tutorial with the explanations about the main game design/mechanics involved in my indie game project, called Foot Fire!

I am still wotking on the game rules, so there will be many changes and improvements to be done!

You can check out the playable demo version:

thank you very much! I am going to make a video with a tutorial/How to play because the game mechanics and design are a bit complex 

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you, i am going to make a video with a tutorial/ How to play, because the game mecânica and design are a bit complex

Hi everyone!

Here is a new update of my indie game: FOOT FIRE!

I would love to get feedbacks from the community!

Thanks in advance!

Hi everyone!

Here is an update of my indie game: Foot Fire!

Please comment, I would love to get feedbacks

Hi everyone!

Here is an update of my indie game: Foot Fire

Please comment with reviews and critics! Hope you guys enjoy it!

Hi everyone!

Here is an update of my indie game: Foot Fire!

Hope you guys enjoy it! ^_^

Hi everyone! thanks for creating this promotion section!

I would like to promote the game I am developing and I would love to get comments, tips and reviews!

The game is a sort of Idle RPG with soccer elements!

Hi everyone!

Here is the fist "playable" demo for my project: Foot Fire!

There are tons of bugs because I am not a game programer, so I still need to find someone who can code the advanced gameplays.

Hope you guys like it! Please stay tuned  and comment in the post ^.^