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A member registered Jun 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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I thought i failed only one, thats why i was surprised. I had grade C - failed - A. Maybe C already counts as failed? But it said "good work" or something like that.

Lol i am stuck at the slime as well :D

Might be cool to see which items in the inventory are interactable in some way.

I rly enjoyed the game, cool atmosphere, the game rly gripped be!  Very good job! :)

Pretty fun, but is it intentional that you can jump again after shooting, so basically infinite jumping? If not i am not sure how to cross the first chasm even, pizza dash didnt seem to be long enough... bit confused here :D

Otherwise pizza game is always awesome and the dialog was fun!

Wow, this game is awesome! Had a lot of fun playing!

Sadly i got demoted :( Apparently Grade C = good work=failed? I am a bit confused :D

Would be cool to know if you have already done everything in a scene or not. It is a bit difficult because you never know if you are done or not, if you can come back or not, or even if you can fail at all. I kind of assumed i had the snake guy since he admitted he injured himself in a stupid way...

I think the voice acting could be a bit faster. But it is done rly well!

Overall i really enjoyed the dancers, the overall story (better than many AAA games rly :D), and the logical puzzles were awesome! A little quiz at the end proving fraud would have been great, since it was already kind of set up.

With a few more cases and a bit of polishing i would see this as a sellable game, rly awesome! :)