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West Coast Games

A member registered Jun 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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yeah, the game's broken at the moment

Truly peak game design

Thanks for the feedback! The game is supposed to have a childish, low-graphic feel to it, but I understand where you're coming from. I am starting work on a deluxe edition that can be bought along with the game. It will have improved graphics, performance, and more features. I'd also like some more insight as to what specifically you mean by "Not for most players." If there's anything specific you think I should add/remove/change, then please inform me.


what was this made with?

Hello Everyone! I recently released a game called "Roller Coaster Builder 2" and wanted to show it to people. What do you guys think? Feel free to leave suggestions!

Here is RCB2

Hello NeoSpark! Recently I haven't been able to find any traces of Voxel Works Quest on the SideQuest store, and the page for the game seems to have not been updated in about three years (geez, time really flies). I've been wondering about the state of Voxel Works Quest. Will you continue to update it? Why is it no longer on SideQuest? If there are any new versions, where are they and how can I download them? Voxel Works Quest is one of my favorite games, and the lack of activity slightly concerns me. If you can respond, please answer these questions: Why was Voxel Works Quest removed from the SideQuest Store, will the game be continued (updated further), and where can I download the newest versions of the game? Thanks!