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A member registered Aug 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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i'd like to deeply thank the both of you for this game.
it sounds a little wack how a short visual novel about furry cowboys could cause someone to have sort of a mini-epoch, but anyways -- 

i'm a transman myself, and i dunno if it was just how touching and relocatable the story was in reflect to a strikingly similar situation i'm in, but whatever it was, this game got me so riled up emotionally i went on a ramble for well-over-an-hour to my s/o about how close we are to being able to escape and achieve happiness as well and how beautiful everything is. that was the first time i'd felt a sense of self love in 5 months. i literally felt like i was going through egodeath. i appreciate things a lot more since that. just being alive and such. trying to appreciate myself more too. hgfjd sorry to rant on it for 13 hours but i guess this project just hit really close to home and put me in a hopeful mindset that kinda just flustered my previous extremely-pessimistic overall thought process to a point where it basically just crumbled. thank you for that. i hope development on this project continues someday.