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A member registered Feb 22, 2022

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why dont you read the fucking page and check for yourself

Or maybe it’s because she’s made to be a child, and the teddybear is also a dead giveaway.

Now you’re ignoring what I said completely and making me look like the bad one here.

Are you fucking stupid? It’s drawn like a kid, the point of the drawing is that it looks like a child, it’s right fucking there, how does that make me a “closet pedo” for seeing what it is?

Why are you bringing real world issues into this?, what have you even done towards those issues? Have you raised awareness? Donated? Have you actually paid attention to it? Or are you just using victims of pedophilia as an excuse to want busty kids in a game?

"No one else thinks that" Because everyone in the comments are pedophiles that won't admit it, like you, you're calling me gross and a pedophile for being able to recognize a drawing as a kid. It's drawn like a busty kid. Doesn't make me a pedophile for realizing that, it makes you the pedophile for saying you want it to be a kid again.

I’M the pedo? For complaining that there isn’t a fuckable kid in the game? She’s drawn like a fucking kid, how does that make me a pedophile for pointing it out?

“Seek professional help” for thinking drawing busty children is weird? You’re the fucking disgusting one.

This is the closest you can get to actual child porn, but you can’t look at actual cp without being put on a watchlist, so you want the older version because you think children are attractive, and you’re a disgusting pedophile, and everyone else in these comments are one too.

"Completely ruined" Go outside

Censorship? This is just making it look less like a child, you fucking pedophile.

You guys are actually fucking pedophiles if you're upset over her not looking like a busty kid. You're getting turned on by a person that looks like a little kid with massive tits, you guys are fucked up.

he does, the "friends" are just his other accounts