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A member registered Dec 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Super excited for the update to be released! <3

Attention: No longer looking. We will reach out to everyone who has rescheduled by the end of the month. I have an unexpected project that I was put in charge of and this sudden work load at work has made my time limited. :( 

We really liked everyone's own sound, and reached out to those we felt had a sound that we were looking for. We appreciate everyone for being patient and working with us, it does me a lot. I'll be on discord periodically tomorrow as I am gathering up my information for work, and I'll be reaching out to everyone there.  To everyone else, your sound is absolutely stunning, and your style is amazing. If you want I don't mind connecting and we can possibly reach out some of you in the future.

Until then keep making amazing music ❤️! PS:  if you'd like to connect let me know with a bump of a reply or your discord (if you don't already have it displayed). 

Hey Everyone, 

I wanted to apologize if we set up a meeting with you and missed it. Long story short, I completely overslept due to taking a sleeping pill to help with my insomnia. This week has been super long, and if you'd still like to meet with us then we ask that you please us the link we sent you in a DM or on Discord to reschedule for next  week.  Again, I humbly apologize and never meant to 'stand you up'. 



I sent you a friend request on Discord. I'd like to chat with you. If you have some free time please accept and I'll send you an invite to my calendly.

I sent you a friend request on Discord. I'd like to chat with you. If you have some free time please accept and I'll send you an invite to my calendly.

I sent you a friend request on Discord. I'd like to chat with you. If you have some free time please accept and I'll send you an invite to my calendly.

Thanks! I downloaded your music pack and plan to listen to it with the others tomorrow.

Thanks! We'll give it a listen and reach out via discord if we like your sound. 

Thanks for providing me with a link to your work.  We will listen to some of your tracks and reach out to you to let you know if we liked your style for our current project or not. 

Thanks for being ahead of the game and providing a link to your work. 😀 I will listen to some of your tracks and reach out to you to let you know if we liked your style for our current project or not. 

Hi, can you provide me with a link to your portfolio or to a sample of your work?

Hi, can you provide me with a link to your portfolio or to a sample of your work?

Hi, can you provide me with a link to your portfolio or to a sample of your work?

Hi Everyone,

I am about to head out into the woods for a much-needed camping trip with my family. Thus, I'll be adding everyone on Monday to discuss the project and see if your style and passion correlate with ours! 

We hope you have a safe and fun weekend! 😀


We are looking for someone who is interested in creating soundtracks / music scores for a science fiction horror game. 

What we are looking for: 

It's a somewhat cut and dry request. We are simply looking for someone who can create 3+ soundtracks/music scores for our upcoming horror game. We want the tracks to be seamless in transition with good fade-ins and fade-outs. One of the tracks would be for regular gameplay. We're thinking something low-toned and easily blends into ambient background sounds. Another track needs to be for intense battle mode. We believe something that can provoke stress quickly and ends on a higher note would be great. The last track would be used during the main menu and other in-game menu settings; we're thinking something soft but eerie.

Of course, we will go into further detail once we find someone we fill is the perfect fit for the request. 

What can we offer: 

As of right now all we can offer is merely a heart felt THANK YOU! However, we are open to negations but you better roll a nat 20 on your diplomacy. Haha. 

If you're interested please feel free to reach out. 

PS: We do have a deadline, but you'll need to ask about it! 🤫

: Any music software you desire as long as it can export as a .wav file