pretty self explanitory. be in lanky box mode for 10 minutes. i just had the game running in the back muted.
Whinson Dreemurr
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this is an issue for a lot of games on
if you do not select what platform the game is for (windows, mac, linux, ect...) the game cannot be downloaded thru the app. wich is a bummer due to me using it like steam so therefor if i cant download it that way i just, wont play it
updates also wont get pushed on the app due to this reason.
please fix it, thanks in advance <3
so this game looks fun and al but OH MY GOD FIX THE CONTROLSS.
so when i launched the game it said to play with controller, DONT, the binds for the controller were compleatly diffrent than what it said on the signs (for example: B functioning as A)
also costum keybinds wuld be nice.
the second problem is that when i tryed to use the camera with the mouse i relized that the Y intup of the mouse is flipped, we need a setting to turn that off, also the movement feals weird since you have to wait a couple of seconds before your input is actully registered.
intreasting game, but needs a lot of inprovements
(i played for like 4-5 minutes due to the bad controlls)