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A member registered May 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Engine name is in description.

But I didn't rhyme them!

I rhymed "returning" with "mourning" and "turning" with "burning". White floating text is rhymed with it's shadow, not other floating text.

Intro text is supposed to turn into gibberish if you spam space, right?

Theme of destruction of past kinda reminded me of OFF, except here it is much less morbid and violent.

And I too, have stuck on Twisted Mind. What a twist!

That was a surprisingly dark experience.

I'll be the third one to praise the art.

Won't be surprised if this game survives beyond this jam!

That pinkie level was the hardest one. I hope it gets nerfed in future patches.

It just works.

Interesting. I have my mouse set to highest sensitivity and it didn't feel too high.

I guess it's a good signal to include dedicated mouse sensitivity slider for my games from now on. Thanks for noticing!

Yeah, in the rating list in-browsers are clearly leading.

Lesson learned, convenience and accessibility of a game jam game matters a lot!

(1 edit)

I failed your ritual, Earthling.

But was it I, who failed it, or was it the Ritual that failed me?

Tune in to next week's episode to learn the answer!

(1 edit)

It seems so. Last time I checked it it was due today, in 7 hours.

Perhaps due to huge disparity between number of participants and actual entries?

Is that... Josuke?!

Don't forget to include .SMELL redistributables for Smell'O'Vision framework!

The only thing I downloaded was a single file with an .s3p extension. It is not a windows program, so it cannot be run and it is not an archive, so it cannot be extracted. 

And now there is no download button and a link to an empty page instead.

I think you made an error somewhere.

So how people are supposed to play your game? Or is that the joke?

I'm sorry, but how do I run the downloaded s3p file?

Aim is to pass through stargates. Move with arrow keys. Move up towards stargate to enter it. You will teleport to new level.

There is also a stargate up from your location, but it is unpowered. If you get close to it, it will say "OFFLINE" and not teleport you anywhere. Move towards small ship to your left until you are on top of it. Press space. You will control your new ship, small Tugboat, which will change color to red. Fly with Tugboat towards blue sphere - it is a charge for the stargate. Get closer to it until Tugboat picks it up. Fly up towards the stargate. To the left of it there will be two vertical bars - power bank. Move towards power bank until Tugboat drops the charge into it and disappears - you are a free Spark again. Now move towards the stargate, it is working now.

This is it, unfortunately. I mismanaged my time and made only two very basic levels. But thanks for taking a look at it and sorry it isn't more.

I will update it to something more playable over next month or two.