Wow, you could use it as inspiration to create your own thing maybe!
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Recent community posts
1. I Want the game to have more general public, and that can be found on, i will later after some time publish the demo on gamejolt.
2. I literally just found out about the existence of that, didn't know what it was. And apparently yeah, mutkifer is there lol
And sophie too.
So no, i'm not involved.
If i'm being honest, the game is particulary easy.
I personally don't agree and can't understand how you find that difficult because even with that, with having to wait the animation to end, the game still gives you a lot of time to get to the end of the eye path. and ofc i made it to wait until the end of the animation, because if he has his eye semi-closed, he still could see you.
The turnip throwing at toad chase was a choice, wanted people to say "Nah how can you do that?" and i made that decision beacuse again, toad is really not that fast :/ in fact he is very slow.
In millie's nightmare, you said that you checked every drawer? are you sure? if the anwser is yes, then it could be a programming error by my part but the game is beatable, at least just the only level that's in the demo.
But anyway thank you for your time, and thanks for playing.