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A member registered Feb 20, 2021

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Hmmm to be honest from what I encountered in other games and my own limited coding experience I think a potential solution to the general issue with location based events is to have common events that have different flavor text depending on the location.

This way you can avoid having alot of minor events that functionally do the same thing just in different locations, and if you want a functional difference in theses common events you can have a set of mini-events that act as extensions of specific outcomes . 

You can also ultize a trick I seen with how the game stellaris handles localisation and differing flavor text. By which you separate the actual text into a separate file and utilize phrases such as "pubfail.1" the their place to cut down on the size of these events and make them more flexible.

This that of course can also be utilized for different levels of undress and can of be be done in parts for more subtle differences.

Granted though of course I am not suggesting you to do all this immediately since adding shiny sounding features on whims is premium scope creep.

Fair enough.

Well since "sufficiently advanced technology is often indistinguishable from magic"you can get away with having some "magic" traps and items be heavily implied to just be barely disguised modern tech with a slight magitech coat of paint to them. Which can also justify the use of modern clothing by having be some "ancient" fashion. 

Though at the end of the day though just remember you don't need a complex reason for every addition as most people will just go on with things like suspiciously modern clothing in a medieval setting as long as it's halfway believable. Not saying thought shouldn't be put into this though, just pick your battles and overfocus on something that many not be worth the effort.

To be frank though I would have waited till after you posted a new version of the game to update the screenshots as right now they are going to give a false impression of the current versions of the game uploaded to if you wait too long to update the game.

Nice work though do say quests being abit more limited doesnt mesh well with there being a 20 day hard limit to the game with how the game handles random events.


Ah i see 

Huh nice, though have to say I am not a fan of the curse system, not because of the concept but because it's just an annoying in combat to get a character casually forced into a different class because you happened to be up against an enemy that forced equips cursed gear. Which is made worse by the decurse requirements being a hassle to deal with.

Granted while I get that it's purposeful for these kinds of effects to be crippling I would prefer if there was a universal way to remove common cursed equipment sets at a cost. Such as having the option to remove them at a build but the cursed gear is destroyed if removed this way or having a steep cost to nullify the requirements for certain gears

Eh justmsave like usual and close the game and close it and restart

Well this fixed my problem

The file is 0.88.3 i4 just wasn't renamed

I think I may have softlocked my game as it seems like the boss won't spawn.

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That was concerning for a second i thought this game was take down

She wants the large coins you can buy two at the shop and get the others from helping the other gals

ah ok thanks

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Neat game, find it abit rough in areas but overall a game that interests me.

Though do have some suggestions:

  • When recruiting characters on Android I think it needs a confirmation prompt and a button for reviewing new characters.  
  • Instead of reading an item, simply have defeated human enemies appear in an knocked out state after battle to save/reruit them. The old item can be used to specifically enslave them to be sold. This system can also extend to the girls who orcs sometimes are using as a meat sheild.
  • Male goblins having a grapple attack.

Choose a different plafrom other than mega for the download its limits can make it annoying to download.

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The game isn't officially supported on mobile.

given where its from I get the feeling its from a early release of something in the beta for the next version, ether that or its modded version of the game.

Ah ok

100% a guy.

Eh sprta agree on the dream part but it would be pointless to disable cheats since it needs to be manually toggled to begin with do you can just simply not use it.

Unfortunately for now you just get a dick rub and pretty sure that area is where you click to trigger it. 

The way this people are reacting over the scunk girl is getting less reasonable with every post.

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also tried redoading it but it didn't fix it

I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760. 

Having issue with getting  it to work it starts up but I am stuck on a black screen after the logo animation.

also when I try to extract it using 7zip I got an header error. Though still was successful in extracting it.

To be frank, while this person is just spiteful I find I an ungly mindset to blindly support devs like that as it's the same kinds of excuses that give legitimately scummy behavior a pass.

Granted I also don't feel like supporting the devs over the mobile version, but it's more on the principle that they are payealling a single version of the game when other devs don't or very least add other payed version rather than treating that one like it's special.

Post updates here instead of expecting everyone to use your patreon. 

the game is just going to look dead if you neglect profile pages like this for years.

Nice do hope theres interaction with other survivors getting nailsd. It just feels like a great opportunity to give players items by helping them. 

Mainly because it feels abit awkward for them to be uninteractable. Granted I am aware that that would require extra work given you would need to add extra animations for each scene.

That somewhat reassuring but touch contorls are a standard in mobile games, so treating it as an "extra feature" doesnt nothing to help justify that version being premium.

Ether ways I might as well just mov

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So the mobile version is just that much superior to the other versions then? I hope so otherwise the extra work doesnt really justify spending extra money on it over the other versions of the game. 

Eh I dont really buy that, the extra effort just sounds like an excuse to justify paywalling people just to be able to access the most convenient version of the game.

That and you make it sound like it's some privilege just to access the game on mobile.

Oh sorry thay "dad" part was a typo

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This game is promising though I say it should be renamed to Syahata's Bad Day, Syahata a bad day is grammatically incorrect in english.

Also you should add a button to return to the menu as on mobile you can't hit that button to return to the menu.

I think a good way to handle them is for you to have a special interact prompt that gets the enemies attention and after you defeat the enemy you can talk to the victim for a reward.

Ah ok

Curious how development been going.

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As the title says its a bit uuclear what all is exclusive to the payed version  of the game with how it'd handled in regards to certain features. Mainly in regards to the other areas and certain ablities. That and I feel if the "normal" version of the game in general should be labeled as a demo sense it's treated as one. 

Edit:Also curious why there is no option to pay by card.

To be frank if your not going to do combat related lewds, I see little point in having a knockdown mechanic.
It just gives false hope there will be lewds sense you point out how it makes her vulnerable. But instead it just gives the enemy free hits. 

Not that its the only problem sense theres a critical bug in the demo with loading a save sometimes crashing the game.