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A member registered Mar 04, 2020

Recent community posts

Loving it so far but damn... Parts of the UI are difficult to use on a phone. Especially the smartphone controls, I found myself strugging to close the phone every time I used it. Will probably stick to playing on PC for now.

Oh no... I'm devastated I may have to experience this wonderful story from the beginning again... :P

Super cute, looking forward to future content...

Quick world-building related question, since animals don't age in hell, and Forte was a kitten when they went to hell, will we learn why Forte looks adult now?

Glad to see an update to this project :)

Looking forward to trying it out again.


Any chance you can add a windowed display mode?

This is honestly one of the best adult VN's ever made.

(1 edit)

Game crashes to blank grey screen during first gloryhole event.

This is happening on latest HOS 1.54 android version (downloaded yesterday), although under credits it states 1.53 still.
I have this happen from time to time in other parts of the game, but this crash is unavoidable and happens after reloading from save or restarting the story.
Device is Redmi S2 with Octa-Core 2GHz processor and 3GB RAM


Art is breathtaking, writing is superb (particularly for this genre). As of 0.1b, there's just enough content to whet your appetite (and wet your crotch). If you're reading this comment then I'm pretty sure you're the type of pervert to enjoy this game :)

If you still need a proofreader, I'd be very happy to help.

Hey, hope you recover fully soon. Look after yourself.

(1 edit)

Have you looked at F95zone?

Consider a account.

Commenting here cause some of the negative comments almost convinced me not to give it a try. I think it's disgraceful to post negative comments on someone's art for no better reason than you not appreciating their fetishes or genre. If this isn't your type of game, go play another.

Regarding the character choices: Yes, these are not "blank slate" characters upon which you can impose your personality. Your choices are limited to what options these characters themselves would consider. Just because you think they're shitty or stupid people does not mean the choices are somehow wrong. You switch between POV of at least 3 characters, it doesn't make sense to have everyone be a blank slate. To whine about this is about as nonsensical as complaining that Doom-guy never considers diplomacy.

Regarding the "linear" story: Once again, this is a valid design choice. Not every game needs to be a branching narrative, especially in early development. Some games aren't sandbox, some narratives aren't branching, get over it.

Someone literally complained that the fetishes are things that only sc*mbags would be into... Way to kink shame. Didn't think some nerd jerking off to cartoon porn could have such a high horse to look down on us from. Go fuck yourself. The dev lists many of the kinks in the game. If you aren't into the kinks, don't play the game.

My opinion: I may not have been compelled to comment if it weren't for the unreasonable negativity. The game does have some flaws, though it's easily good enough that I'll be watching for future updates. I wish I was confident I could put out a game this good in the forseeable future.

The still images are gorgeous. I usually don't have high expectations for 3D renders but the creator knows their shit in this regard. The animations are brief and are mostly very short loops, which I honestly didn't like, but it seems kak to deduct points for a feature which I wouldn't have missed if it wasn't implemented at all.

Verdict: Look at the list of kinks, if they're the sort of shit that gets you horny, give it a try (game is free to try ffs), if they aren't, move on. Game is well worth it for those who have the culture to appreciate it.

Maybe a "sequel" from the sub's perspective?

Caught my eye due to sharing a name with a flower from my homeland (after playing, I looked up the etymology of genus protea and think your game title is perfectly suited to the subject matter). This is a beautifully crafted work of art.

I recognise it's from a game jam, so this is definitely not criticism, but I wished there was more when i got to the end.

Not really a problem for me now that I know what's happening. Absolutely love the game btw.

Did you move the game files to mega recently? Asking cause the updating through the app (on PC) broke for me. It kept showing that there was an update, i'd click the update button, and it would switch to launch (as it usually does when updates finish) but the game itself did not update.

Trying to install from scratch gives an appropriate error stating that mega is not supported by the itch app, but there was no warning for the update. It's possible this is affecting other players without them realising.

Dude, I only speak 1 language. Respect to you for telling a story in a language that isn't your own. I'll do another play-through and see what I can see. What would be the best way of reaching you with it though? Feels like posting it here would be kinda spoiler-y.

What's your home language? Perhaps one day, when I eventually have a game of my own, I'll be able to ask you to return the favour :)

I want to say nice things about your game. I can see effort has been put into it, and it *is* still in prototype mode.

Ok, I typed up my comments/suggestions and it gave me time to calm down from that frustrating multiple choice exam. I see potential here, and I'm hoping you keep working on this so that said potential is realised. You clearly have the skill, let's hope you have the stamina to match :)

I shall be watching this project closely.

My "notes" (for whatever they're worth):

-Ok, when i got 15/15 for the quiz, it wasn't clear how to proceed to the sex... at first i thought you'd pranked me. It's entirely possible some of your players are rage quitting just as they unlock the good shit.

- My general knowledge sucks, it took me 12 minutes of attempts before i managed a single victory. Repeatedly failing a multiple choice exam is not great foreplay, lol. At the very least, it would be nice to know when i guess an answer wrong. Any sort of feedback during the quiz could be helpful, and reduce the frustration. As your game progresses, you might add some teasing from her when you get close to success.

- Having the lewd scenes pixelated was a real slap in the face after she put me through that test... I don't think it's necessarily a problem depending where you're going with this, but I'm hoping future versions may provide the option to remove censorship (even if it's only for a patreon / paid version).

I downloaded this ages ago and apparently forgot about it until the update came out. Super cute characters and story so far. Keep up the good work.

(If I had to offer any criticism at all, it would be that some of the English seems off? Would be happy to help with that part if you like.)

always watching this space 😉

Glad you're alright.

Hey dev, just wanted to check in and make sure you're doing ok?