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A member registered May 01, 2021

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It's 5 days. There is more content coming for everyone.

My only complaint with Bjørn's route is the couple inconsistencies. Like... I'm just a little confused. That being said, Devon and him are my favorite routes, so... Loved it. A tad confused on which facts to listen to, but still love it.

If I recall correctly, it's been confirmed that Travis will not have a route.

Oh, also this recent play through of Bjørn made me think of a song. "Dopamine," by Mehro

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I really LOVED the new Bjørn update. I'm still a little confused about the continuity of his story line because it flip flops on facts a few times, but he's probably my favorite out of the bunch. Him and DEVON 🥺 Probs cause I relate to them a lot. Anyway, It was absolutely LOVELY. I'll probably go play it again tbh...

Righttttt?!??!?! Devon is one of my favorites!!! Plus, he deserves so much love. The kind of love my boy Arvo can  give him. 😤

Thank you 🙏 🙏 🙏

Y'all... I can delete old apks, right?

I've been listening a lot to an artist by the name of i don't like mirrors. It reminds me of the music in Dawn Chorus. I suggest him for anyone looking for good music reminiscent of the game. 

Keo said that he was having a really hard time writing the next portion of Klaus's story and that he wouldn't feel right releasing when he didn't feel it was ready. You can scroll back in a few of the posts and find it. It's pretty far back though, if I recall 

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I feel like Devon would listen to Pinegrove. 

Like... "Aphasia," by them or maybe, "Need." Or, "Need 2."

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Erik satie.

And, in relation to Debussy, "The girl with the flaxen hair"

Interesting take! This is why I'm doing both, because Devon is a tricky character. I'm not sure which one is going to help him the most and which one is going to push him away further. My worry is that the getting involved will cause him to run away seeing as he hasn't even made the decision yet.

Personally, I think that the not interfere option is the way to go just based on what we know about Devon and his back story, but I suppose we'll see in the coming updates. Thanks for your response!

I'm dead. Laughing my literally ass off. That's funny. Copy that.

Lol. I'm doing both just to see the differences, but my true choice is the let it be. I just feel like it's what he needs as a character. For arvo to be there for him in a non pressured way where he doesn't feel like he has to hightail it on out of there. 

He really is a great character. It remains to be seen. I'm excited to see the differences between both branches.

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Yaaaaaas. Same here. Especially because in some ways, that's what his ex did to him... Tried to force him to do something when he wasn't ready.

I want to know y'all's thoughts...

Did you choose to try and convince Devon to stay or did you  choose not to get involved? If you answer, and you feel so inclined, tell me why. 

Yeah, pretty much, lol. Though Torulf's route just makes me angry. Makes me wanna go fight someone. 💪

Thanks for the heads up!!! I appreciate it!! I still haven't mustered the courage to play it, but maybe knowing it's got a good end will help!!

Damn... Hah! You have a point! I guess I'll bite the bullet for the art. Thanks for your response. 

I need somebody to tell me if the Devon route update is going to make me depressed, because I can only handle so much sadge rn, and that will determine if I play now or later.

Realest statement ever. Ty es my favorite

Oh, coooool!! That makes much more sense! Thanks so much, Grizz!!! I always appreciate that you're active on your page!!!

Yeah, buddy... That's where the password comes in. If you need a hint I'm sure anyone of us would be willing to provide it, but we need to know what you've done/tried already.

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You misunderstand me... I fixed my original statement so it wasn't misleading... I apologize for the confusion.

At the end of Sal's route he calls her Mrs. Sinclair. Roswell's last name is Sinclair, yeah? But we know from the main story that Oswin is Roswell's biological father and not his uncle like we were led to believe... So, I'm confused as to how Flora works into it, and if I misunderstood their relationship.

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Okay... Spoiler-type question time...

What's up with Flora? At the end of the Sal route, he calls her Mrs. Sinclair which would mean she is Roswell's mother, but I'm confused because Oswin is his father and he and Flora are siblings right? I'm probably just being dense, but I'm confused. Can someone explain? Or maybe even say if I'm understanding or not understanding?

Y'all... I just realized that Arvo is just a socially awkward, slightly introverted stud muffin... Everybody and their freaking mother, even people like Bjørn who had never PREVIOUSLY considered dating a guy, are hopelessly in love with our little Cinnamon roll.

And, Arvo is just completely unaware of how tight a grip he has on the boys around him. xD

I think that's what sets Dawn Chorus apart. It's not just pr0n with a plot... 

It's plot...Just plot. Each choice made by each character is motivated by good reasons and each connection you forge feels real and inspirational

The NSFW is coming. They've said in the past that there will be NSFW for all of the routes in the future. I think it's just a matter of where it actually fits in the story arc. It would be cheap if they just forced it.

Overall, I really liked it. I know we will have to wait for a while before this resolves, but it definitely doesn't make it any easier to deal with. T-T

I agree with everything you just said ❤️❤️❤️

Yeah, I just played through the first ten minutes. They're all there, boo boo. 💅

Estoy tan emocionado!!! Hemos estado esperando por tanto tiempo y finalmente es el comienzo del cuarto día!!! Por que chico estás más emocionado? 


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Yuh huh. But trust me, you guys can have him. I'm glad you like him. :)

In my opinion









he's a manipulator and regardless of whether you can change him by the end of the route, the subtle and unhealthy emotional warfare he's playing against Arvo, Lake, and the ones around them isn't for me. 

Torulf is evil, but hey... To each there own. Your opinion is valid.

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That is so real. Torulf is a manipulative bastard and deserves to be erased.

That being said, the devs did a fantastic job at writing him and he's a great character. He's just a horrible person.

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Not me already waiting for another Bjørn update. I know the homies need to finish up the rest of Day Three for everyone, but It's just so gooooood. I will be patient, but barely...

Side note for those who have played Bjørns route, I'm curious...







Do you tell Bjørn that you think he's cute on the first night or do you choose one of the two other options? Why?

I don't know if it's a bug, but I know they're working on the sprite update and it should be out, last I heard, next release. Maybe they'll have fixed it by then.

I know, it's so goood. I'm excited to see them flourish.