Yo dude id recommend adding the mystery tag to this so it can be found better. Especially since the mystery is one of the main allure/plot to 9:22
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I auctually assumed that Spencer's dad was killed in the dominant world and because the 2 worlds equalized, the death of his dad was basically forced to happen in the subdominant one. Like the unexplained car crashes and such.
Because Spencers dad died and he explicitly remembers him dying it's just the specific date that was lost to him because of RLG shenanigans.
I was smiling so hard while reading Spencer and Kurt's conversation in house. Keep up the good work!
I can only imagine the awkwardness of having to apologize for being hard.( or having to talk about poor Andrew lol )also it's really impressive that Spencer didn't notice that throughout the run.
I can't get the image of (spoiler name ) just strangling someone in the middle of the night. I suspect it has something to do with David's research on the bomb shelter.
Talking about the bomb shelter I'm really gonna hate it when we're gonna have to go back in there. I can practically smell a chase sequence or jumpscare coming.