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A member registered Dec 07, 2020

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I enjoyed playing your game. Great colors - I would liked to have had a little background music as well, to help set the overall tone of the game. But it was still enjoyable and I especially liked that showed me my survival time at the end.  

(1 edit)

I liked your twist on the theme and appreciated that you didn't make moving around in game too challenging.  The music grated on me a bit, but it definitely had a 'hard as ice' feel too it - Nice job.

Nice job. It look me a few times to realize you we giving real time - on screen- instructions LOL - so I died a few times. But I enjoyed the process. Simple concepts, but challenging enough to make one want to come back for more.  It was fun.

Fun game - fun music and playful graphics. I liked the backstory you put together and the way you tied it in to the theme.   Alien watermelons is definitely an original idea.  Nice job.

I enjoyed the concept - although I kept running too far into the sides and exploding! I see this is in Beta - I look forward to seeing how you further develop this game.