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A member registered Oct 19, 2022

Recent community posts

i hope you can add a function so you can play it in windowed mode

Can anyone tell me how interference works? this stuff is complicated

wizard is still underpowered :(

i really dont hate this game, its fun, but the.. noticible difficulty differences are super obvious, classes like the archer or warrior easily out-class the wizard and necromancer at higher level

i cant with this zoom, its so jank

this fucking game dosent have anything to let matches exist in impossible situations

the zoom scroll on the skill tree screen is way beyond sensitive, a slight shift of the finger sends me to full zoom out or full zoom in

The wizard feels rather weak on higher difficulties, practically impossible on master rank 15

(1 edit)

I dont know if this game is even still in development, but please, buff mage

the game is good, one major complaint is that you can get very lost in the talent tree map when using the wizard hat item

where are all of the floppy disks and is there one in the arena?