Hi, just to say I couldn’t get this started on Linux, but it worked fine after installing the following with apt: libnss3:i386 libxtst-dev:i386 libgconf-2-4:i386
Bergamote Wilks
A member registered Jun 02, 2016 · View creator page →
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Excellent game you got here! Nicely polished, great artwork and character design, all in all, we’re having a great co-op time down the mine!
I know linux isn’t supported, but thought I’d mention how I got it working, just in case someone finds it useful:
- Install Lutris from here
- Install the Windows version of the itch client in Lutris
At that point the game starts but only the music plays and the screen stays black - Follow the instructions here to install the Media Foundation workaround in the itch client Wine prefix.
- Then I had to use xboxdrv to convert my PS3 controllers to XInput, but anyone with Xbox controllers can go straight in!
Oh, and almost forgot to ask, any chance of a native linux version?