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A member registered Jan 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Basic shooter with an admittedly cool art design, like if the BATIM were brought to life by the scrawlings of a mental patient. Models could use some work, as well as the gun’s sound effects as they feel quiet and lack impact. A detail I liked though was the animation for when you were out of ammo.

Overall it’s a good display of a creative mind, simply lacking experience.

Cute as hell. Not much to it other than vibes and I like that. Would love maybe a deeper version in future, but I love it nonetheless :3

100% true actually femboys are cute enough to get away with murder

Utterly incomprehensible. Somehow beatable. The “character” designs are interesting though.

What indeed was the dog doing.

Pretty damn good. It wasn’t necessarily scary by the end of it, but I loved levels 2 and 3, genuinely horrifying and tense. I enjoyed the story and the ending was sweet, alongside great visuals and music, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Very spooky, though there really wasn’t much buildup to the actual horror. More hints like Bob being dead in the corner of the map would’ve helped.

Though I will say, the player character making eye contact with that face did throw me for a loop, so good job on that, though the ending kinda lasted too long.

Coming from ManlyBadassHero (big surprise) but I just want to say I love what you’re doing here. I love your characters and how they’re always relatable and sweet, just trying to live their lives under the pressure of otherworldly creatures. And yes, I know the designs, but I feel like they actually enhance the characters themselves. I don’t know how to perfectly describe it, other than that they remind me of my Nanny from Texas. They give me the vibe of someone who’s near the end of their life and is just cruising through the rest, content to do as much good where they can. Your mechanics are also great, reminding me of all of the ludicrous rituals and superstitions of days of yore, making you do seemingly random things for the sake of warding off unseen beasts that lurk in the dark.

All in all, I love your style, so just keep being you! Don’t pressure yourself into any expectations, and just enjoy yourself.

Good game. I’m bad at platformers. Can’t wait for AAF to return!

oh wait Ness

Sans Undertale, Sans Deltarune, when are we getting Sans Earthbound??!!?

Now this? We need more of this. I’ve seen a ton of PS1-style horror games, and that’s fine and all, but for me the nostalgia truly comes from the 64. I would love to see more horror experiences in this style!

No problem, I understand! It’s just a little sad.

I am NOT the best fit for this role, but let’s give it a shot.

I try to download for mobile, but it doesn’t think it’s a zip???

Are you ok?

Wow... Kinda lame, really. I mean, I was kind of excited, y'know? But... I guess that's it??? I was hoping for a real game, or at least something beyond Flowey. I mean, it's a cool idea! You just kind of... didn't do anything, though. Meh.