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A member registered Aug 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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This was fun! took a while to get a grapple on the controls and I wish there were some upgrades I could buy but add those and youd have a really good time sink you might find on cool math games! super well done! :)

Tonnes of fun! Easily one of the most polished and fun games of the jam, took me longer than id like to admit to figure out that i could feed the farmers to my babies (insane btw i love it) Polish up the controls, add some more upgrade variants and enemies/food sources, a few levels and Id 100% pay money for this. 
Super well done! :)

This game was really fun! I have always had a soft spot for these type of wave shooter games, would love to see a few more guns and powerups and some more juice. The collisions were a little buggy too but besides that, it was really well made! Good job :)

Had a good time with this one! Few notes: background is a bit noisy, started hurting my head after playing for a bit haha, didnt quite get what to do so it took me a few tries to understand before i could get any kind of money, would definitely suggest a small tutorial, even a one page screen with instructions, its annoying to make but super worth it for the player experience
I could see this making a really fun clicker/tycoon type game! Really good job :)

Had fun with this one! Took a while to really understand the card part but i love the openness of the map, felt really good exploring. Good job :)

Super fun! Really love the graphics, super crisp and great use of shaders. Camera position was my only issue but other than that felt really good! Well done :)

Really fun! Was a little confused on how to play but once i figured it out it felt really good! Well done :)

Super charming little game! Felt really good to play and loved the lil worm animations, the jump and the victory dance were two personal faves.
Well done!

Super well polished for such a short jam! Took me a while to figure out what the goal was and sometimes it wasnt super obvious why I died but getting past those small things is a really great core game with tonnes of fun levels. Immediately reminded me of 'trap adventure 2', a rage game with a similar vibe
Super well done :)!


Super fun! Unique concept too, didnt know a flappy bird type game could actually be fun and hold my attention haha, lil bit of polish and id download this off the app store! Well done :)

This is so well done! Great concept and execution for such a short time frame, really loved the restriction of 2 buttons as well! Great job :)

Insanely well polished for a game jam! Only complaint is that I want more! Even with this small amount of content I spent a good ~10-15 mins with this one. Well done :)

Controls were super smooth! Had lots of fun, only complaint is that it's too short! Well done :)

Super cute! Loved the flipping of roles, playing as the boss monster. Lvl was too difficult and I couldnt beat it tho unfortunately, overall thought, well done! :)

Really fun! My only issues is due to the difficulty the time it takes to restart should be way shorter, otherwise it becomes a waiting simulator. Other than the loading times I had fun with this one! Great atmosphere

Love the depth this one brought! Took me a few deaths to understand how things worked properly, next time (espectially with a game this complex) try adding a tutorial, even a short quick in game one goes a long way even if it is a hassle. Other than that I had a lot of fun trying to fend off the hoardes! Well done :)

Cool concept! Wouldve loved to see you run with the destruction, maybe making the bombs go off at different times and blast eachother around like tnt from minecraft. Had lots of fun piling up as many bombs in little nooks as i could. Well done :)

This was surprisingly fun, honestly wish you wouldve lent more into the rage aspect of it, was giving big getting over it vibes and the movement was juuuust out of control enough to make it a fun challenge. Well done!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing :) glad you enjoyed. Yeah the AI was one of the toughest parts of this game because of the short timespan i didnt want to focus all my time on it. But just to clarify (and Im not sure i conveyed this in the game super well but) the circles eminating from the player are meant to be "sound" so if a sound wave reaches a monster they will go investigate the source of the sound so if you sneak too close they can snap around and catch you. If this isnt what was happening then sorry for the broken game hehe ai is tough ;(

One of the most complete feeling ive played so far! Simple and fun, controls were a bit tough to dodge the bullets with and the final boss can be cheesed by standing still and he cant hit you but other than that super fun!

Really solid game! Sunk more time into it than i'd like to admint, super fun core mechanic. slap on a few more bells and whistles and flesh it out a bit and id pay good money for it. Well done! 

Well done! had fun with this one, only thing I could say is the lack of feedback when taking damage was confusing but other than that super enjoyable!

The art and animations were beautiful! I did get a bit confused on the first level as all I could do was run away.

:D Well done!

Thanks for playing! I never knew the health bar was confusing, maybe I'll add some text later.

Thanks! I tried to spend a lot of time on polishing stuff which usually goes unnoticed in my games.

Thank you!!

Hi hi! My name is "Ight imma head out"

Thank you :)

Thank you so much! What was your highscore if you don't mind me asking?

I have :)

Thank you! Was there anything about the game you didn't like? Also what was your highscore? (Just curious)

Whenever I click the play button it brings me to a blue screen. I have now been waiting for five minutes

I loved the art! The game has a nice feel to it however the controls are a little bit messed up. Overall you did an awesome job!

I liked the simplicity of the art style and the audio was well done. There was a distinct lack of feed back and "juice" however, a little screenshake and particle effects can go a long way. Otherwise great job!