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A member registered Oct 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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This looks incredible, congrats on such an amazing game!!!!

Thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm working on my next game atm and it will for sure be an improvement!

I think i survived 

C'mon now boys. 

Thank you for playing!!

Thank you for checking what lurks down in the deep!

Thank you!!

tysm for playing!

wow. . thank you so much for the feedback, it's made my day. I'm so glad you enjoyed the horrors that lurk deep on the moon :). And yes i will definitely be making more games! XD

Thank you so much for playing! Sorry that you encountered a few bugs, the latest update should help with that :) (reinstall the game if you wanna try)

I' m so glad you enjoyed it!!

Thank you so much for playing!!

OMG, thank you so much for playing! The feedback is much appreciated! Honestly thank you for playing and im glad you enjoyed it! 


Sorted ;)

will do don't worry, I won't need them yet but I will do when the time comes!

Yeah ofc!! You deserve it!

Would I be able to use if the game was free?

If i do use this I will be sure to credit you!

Would I be able to use this if my game is free and not paid for?

Ayyy thx!!

I absolutely love this pack but I was wondering how I would go about making a flashlight with the static vertex lights since they do not work within the character blueprint. Thx :)

Ahhhhh damn oki. Even though I won't be able to use it it's an awesome font dude :)

(2 edits)

Any way I can use this in Unreal Engine 4? Like a ttf file?

I would love to use this but I use UE4 unfortunately. Either way this is incredible and you should be proud =]

Ayyyy thankyou, will order it soon!! Means a lot and awesome pack!

Thankyou for looking into it even if it doesn't get sorted, means a lot :)

This looks genuinely awesome and I would love to buy the full edition but I can only pay through PayPal, would you mind making that an option? If not that's totally cool :)