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A member registered Jan 01, 2022

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Jocasta Syndrome

As a gay person, I, personally am very weird and unnatural.

If you don't like using the word to refer to yourself, that's fine. But you shouldn't ask other people not to use it, especially if they're a random stranger on the internet, because they get to choose what they refer to themself as. Unless it's in person and it makes you uncomfortable, but this is something you don't have to engage in.

(1 edit)

Guys, gender is a social construct that humans made up. It includes expected behaviors of someone due to what category their genitals happens to fall under, but it's solely a human thing. Dragons aren't humans, so it makes sense that they wouldn't have a concept of gender. It's not a "woke" idealist thing, the author is just trying to make it more accurate instead of projecting human ideals onto what is basically just a sentient lizard. Besides, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. If you want to headcanon  a gender for your dragon, that's totally fine. No one is stopping you. Yes, they still are males and females, because those are sexes, not genders. In the grand scheme of things, this is the author's own take on Arthurian myth, and if they want to make this lore change, they can, because it's their story. And it's not "overly inclusive" to acknowledge the fact that winged lizards don't have any concept of gender. It might not be necessary, but then again, neither is imagining yourself interacting with centuries old fictional characters, and I don't see anyone complaining about that.

EDIT: Also keep up the great work Author!! This story is amazing and I can't wait to see where you go with it <3