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Will Pyle
A member registered Mar 13, 2017 · View creator page →
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Last Christmas daddy had an accident. This Christmas daddy has a plan...
Sticky Fingers is a stealth 3D platformer, where you play as the most famous art thief in the world.
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This is a great question. I actually moved over a character controller form another project that has a lot more controls (crouch, sprint, an inventory system, etc) and removed most of the pieces of it for this simpler project. But, I left the leaning in because my wife liked it! In terms of general player experience I should have probably removed it and used 'E' as the interaction button instead of LMB.
Thanks for the info! I think I know the issue but won't be able to fix it until after the holidays. For anyone interested in the issue: I'm rendering to a 16:9 texture at a very low resolution that I then stretch to fit the screen. This only works properly for 16:9 displays. I will fix when I can! Thanks again for the bug report ❤️