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A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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SECRET HIDDEN TECH FOR NERDS: If you want to adjust mouse sensitivity, you can launch the game with a command line argument like so:

RoombaRailRider.exe --mousespeedmult=1.0

Where 2.0 will make the mouse move twice as fast, 0.5 half as fast, etc.

(As it turns out, implementing GUI elements doesn’t sound fun in the last 3 hours of a game jam)

Neat little game! Encountered an issue a couple times where objects wouldn’t spawn, letting me just fall all the way to the bottom and receive the “Either you cheated or you won lol” message. Also I have to point out that I love the different stick figure skydiving poses.

Thanks but you wrote this comment so quickly that I’m skeptical you’re a real human. Mind proving to me your realness by reading what this says?

no I didn’t make this in 3 dayssss I don’t know what you’re talking aboouuuttttt

We can’t wait to see what times y’all get in speedrun mode– Thanks for playing! <3

Cute as heck. Well done, dude!