Awesome work, compared to the old miis, i feel like this has way more variety.
A member registered Apr 09, 2020
Recent community posts Community » Game Development » Help Wanted or Offered · Created a new topic [Programmer][For Hire] Developer looking for work with an Indie team
Hi, I'm a game developer who's experienced with a whole suite of game engines, and developer tools. Unity is my specialization.
- I'm very comfortable using project management tools, and version control tools (git) to assist communication and organization within the project.
- I can whip up good looking static websites for things like documentation in a less than a couple days.
- I have a good number of connections to a variety of 2D and 3D artists who have worked on games before should you need to find one.
Check out this Trailer
for the project I most recently worked on.
If you like this, I also recommend you check out my website where I talk more about the experience I had working on it. I love making all kinds of games, learning new technologies, going for hikes, and just straight up playing video games. A big reward for me working on a project will be getting to play the game I'm working on, but I do need to be payed in order to afford living expenses.
For contacting me, email at
send me a message on discord at Crumbbum#8482