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Winds of Spring

A member registered Dec 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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The first thing I wanted to say (before Gamejolt nuked the OG page)
I'm glad project Box is being remastered!

HOWEVER I have a few gripes with it rn...

Starting off:
I don't like how ChunChunGames is handling the project atm, I'd feel a lot better if they redid all the assets from the ground up instead of using Mel's (the OG Project Box's creator) assets... Mainly because ChunChunGames already said they're not using Mels story so it's like reanimating a copse and then telling it to change everything about it's lore and ideas... Adding insult to injury the assets for Project box are pretty much gone, the OG download links to the assets made by Mel are gone, so it just feels like it doesn't hold that value that it once had. (Where people everywhere could've finished the project..)

The Good:
I do like how the game is pretty ambiguous with it's controls (Love me some remappable controls tho..), the jumpscare sounds are really nice (got me a handful of times), and the tension of hiding in the box is spot on.

The Bad:
the delay between moving posts is REALLY getting on my nerves, it feels like half the deaths are caused by that delay (I saw comments saying this exact thing only for the ChunChunGames artist to go "Nope nothing wrong here!"...) Please address this, hell even making a little moving animation between post positions would make more sense, at least give players Feedback that it's intentional...

The Weird (Neutral):
Using Unity is a biiiiig deterrent for a lot of people, most people (Including myself) use a more well rounded game engine (*coughcough* Godot 3.x/4.x) so hearing ChunChunGames want Unity devs feel a bit on the nose...

Just exported and published a Windows build, sorry about that...

You can just get the source project files, get Godot 3.5.2, and open the project file and then run it... It should work the same.

Thank youuuuuu! Really glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

Hey nate, No don't play that "game", This old account (the one you just responded to) isn't being used. I tried to say don't play it on the YT comment you left, but it seems you didn't take notice of it...