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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Am I the only one struggling to play with pc? skil issue?

thanks man

I am so dumb thank you! ;;

help I'm stuck on the press start screen :,(

scared the f out of me i didn't want to turn around LMAO

Loved it holy shit- you're a blessing for making this free oml. I so can't wait for vol 2! :D loved Kakeru but DAMN hope theres a everyones happy end

awawawa omg this so cute!!! gay panic wished it had more endings lolol

OML LMFDAOO i was not expecting that- fantastic game bro!!! protagonist scared me more than the stalker. also sebastian's a real cinnamon roll cutie :)

I finished it and holy shit- one of my favourite games now. that was dope! but honeslty all that dialogue skipping makes me want therapy now. 100/10 :D 

is there like a sequal or pre-quel i want more lol

oh yeah damn that crash scared me LMFAO

;_; man wtf how do you put the skip button back? im pretty tired pressing the space button and clicking at the same time I have been repeating the same ending jesus crust

sucks playing demos when its a good one

:000 oh shit dayum cant wait 

yooo that was great! but the dialogue "..............." was a pain it was too long LMFAO. the voice at the end had me shook cant wait for full release! :D

oh god jfc i was so shocked and felt guilty when i left her hanging for goth gf. goft gf is permanent but may is eternal

LOVE IT.  I difn't finish Quinns route  :( I just cant reject Zethe srry luv