Although, it lacked some things, I thought it was okay.
P.S. Could you please not use AI art as the cover for your game. It would really help if you'd use a screenshot or self made artwork instead. Even if you can't I urge you to at least try.
I played the steam version and I gotta say, it was very well done. When I finished it, I couldn't really put it into words. Good luck with what you have next.
Very impressive. I also can't believe that I've forgotten that I've played one of your past works before so, sorry about that. Keep them coming, you have a bright future ahead of you.
A few of the sounds were little too loud but, it didn't stop it from being a pretty good game. Some of the textures even took me back to when I first played Minecraft. And, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna be playing some Minecraft. :)
A pretty good message and atmosphere. Although, the scares were pretty cheap, but it didn't stop it from being a pretty good game. Even though the ending was a bit off.
This game is pretty good. Unfortunately, at the end I for some reason couldn't move, which prevented me from getting the ending. I can't really tell if there's a problem with my keyboard or if it's a glitch. However, the game was satisfying at the very least.
Very well made and thought out story. Although, the grammar could use some work, but it didn't stop it from being a pretty good game. Good luck with what you have next
This game really managed to make me think really hard with its ending. Even after finishing it I’m still left with more questions than answers, and that’s a good thing.