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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

Recent community posts

To follow up on boasting, why would the players ever not out boast each other for double the bonus? It seems like there is not downside to out-boasting fellow party members. Additionally, is the benefit gained while pursuing the boast, or after completing it?

Hi there. I remixed this class, and want to share it on the Mork Borg Discord. Is that OK with you?

Just bought this, wow I didn't realize the resolution was THAT low! Wouldn't have bothered if I knew, it hurts to read this pixilated text.

I'm confused about several things. So, attacking monsters without armor... do I just roll damage then look up my roll on the defense fumble chart for the defender? What if a player crits and a monster fumbles, do you apply both the attack crit and defense fumble tables? It seems these rules only work if you ignore crits and fumbles for monsters and only take the player's dice into account (like how MB is player facing rolls only). Is that correct? Only consider player attack and defense rolls?

Nothing on the sale page indicates it is a WIP or early access game, but looking at the community posts I see lot's of comments about it being incomplete.  No news posted in 1.5 years. If I buy this, can I play it all the way through the 6 regions with complete rules? 

I've never played Cairn, but I have played Electric Bastionland, and no hit roll makes combat very quick. This I like. The skeleton has 0HP by the way.

Enemies seem very tanky, while character very weak. 7HP 8grit Scum. Doesn't that make combat as slow as regular MB?

Is A Waning Light not available in PDF? I would like to purchase it, but don't want to pay for international shipping.

I can't even see the ratings, all I see is one single post titled: "There's so much power, violence and elegance!"

This is very unique for an RPG combat system. Warhammer 40K 1st edition (Rogue Trader) had a similar targeting system for vehicles, but this is much cleaner and actually makes sense in a mech building game, rather than just a complicated targeting system in a wargame. I feel like there needs to be about twice as many types of systems to build into your mechs, we all love customization. 

(1 edit)

This is a great asset. I sent some coffee money your way! Edit: OK, it doesn't work in G.I.M.P. I'll try this Krita program...

Uhhh so I bought this and it doesn't include the Expanded Edition like the artwork implies? What gives?