A member registered May 10, 2016
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Isari: The New Queen of the Water Dragon Island comments · Replied to Kokage no Izumi in Isari: The New Queen of the Water Dragon Island comments
Isari: The New Queen of the Water Dragon Island comments · Posted in Isari: The New Queen of the Water Dragon Island comments
6 ideas for you quick!
1. Siberia map form 007 goldeneye (the only map in gaming worth copying)
2. new game mode where you spawn in the island on a base in the ocean and you have to capture flags for points instead of kills
3. A map featuring lots of tiny islands
4. building barricades
5. Picking up weapons (replaces current weapon, gear can't change except rpg can take gun slot)
6. Jets/ Bombers (with physical bombs to shoot)
(possible new map for jet gameplay, ex. .3)