Quite arousing. Probably need something to stimulate her clit.
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Strangely, I don't see a demo on Steam... Also, I guess the design decision to show censorship mosaic until character level 10 was misguided. I thought it's just a censored Japanese game and dropped it in disappointment. Thankfully I read the reviews here later on. It's a pity because the graphics are great and the puzzles are pretty interesting. Though I did have some trouble seeing all the blocks because of visual overlaps and the frequent need to rotate the camera. Maybe it would be more comfortable with free camera rotations around the puzzle, in both X and Y camera's axes, and without snapping to 45 degree steps.
Hi! You need to copy the card sets from the DLC into c:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\WittyMinx\NSFWSolitaire\CustomCardSets\
When you install the game and the DLC from Steam, they are automatically located in where the Steam installs them. But with a normal download (like from itch.io) you have to handle the DLC content like card sets you'd make yourself in the editor. Those get created in the app's data directory, in CustomCardSets subfolder
Oh.. I guess it's the analytics module then? I don't use any other functionality above the bare-bone essentials of Unity.
Or it could be the Unity versions? I use 2023.x engine version. Maybe the other games you played were built on earlier versions? I update the engine as new versions of it come out. Maybe it just solves itself later on.
The only thing I found googling is this https://discussions.unity.com/t/the-procedure-entry-point-error-in-windows-build... Could be some restrictions on your PC. Most likely, you'd experience this with many other Unity games, or maybe games that use the same features of Unity this game is using (e.g. Analytics). In any case, there isn't anything I can do, as it's an engine/OS issue. You could change some Windows settings if it indeed is very restrictive setup, or just play on another device I guess.
The coding part to add an animation is very easy actually. The issue is to draw more images since right now I don't even have the contacts of the artist who drew this pack back in 2020. Images of this quality take months to draw. But maybe I could add animations with other gfx packs. Thanks for the interesting idea :)