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A member registered Oct 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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ah, you can't actually download this for Chromebooks, unless you enable linux development platform and use something that mimics windows exes like Wine...

yes you are :P

i really like it wow. very cool 

so the game is not made in Source, right? even if it has plenty of Source sound effects and feel (the crouching, sprinting, etc.) and the great “Node Graph Out of Date, Rebuilding…” it’s not a Source game?

you actually should go to settings, Game, and “Refresh Assets” every time you add stuff to the folders :)

bro. are you being serious? turn down your graphics settings and/or get a decent PC. my nvidia 1030 runs this steadily 50-75fps

the reason why she doesnt show her hands

*chooses alternative ingredient option*


I can't get the number on the passport right. I used both passport numbers, but they still wont let me through.

“aCtUaLlY, tHe gAmE sTiLl nEeDs ***a lOt oF uPdAtEs wItH mOdS aNd tHe aCtUaL gAmE…”

aha L

wait really???


this is still bloody good as we keep in mind that this entire game was made in 4 hours. Most AAA games take years to make some cash grab DLC-infested ingame purchase nightmare

4 hours...

i forgot most of the residents' rooms so i ended up stumbling around every floor with 5 packages 90% of the time