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Wizard Raz Studios

A member registered Feb 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)


I think it's a coincidence, but I can't say for absolute certain 🙂 

We did look at a mix of areas in the UK and nearby for naming ideas, so it's possible I saw the name and remembered it later without context haha.


Hello 🙂,

Thank you for your message.

My previous co-writer was predominantly handling Jack and Violet's route, as well as helping out with Casey, Marissa's and the 7th route. We worked together on the outline for all the routes and I was set to help out myself with Jack and Violet, but it's quite different for me to be helping and for me to be the sole writer for their route (and all 7 routes in general).

It's a mixture of workload and also just that bouncing ideas off of another person helped massively with my confidence in my writing and etc.

I've been making progress with Tommy's route lately, and I've written Ellis's, so it's likely I may be able to release a portion of the game while I work on the other routes (by seperating it into parts), but I predict the full game will probably be a while off whilever I'm working alone.

Truthfully I'd love to work with other people on it 😀, however I wouldn't want anyone to work for free. I'd have to figure out something with anyone I partnered with in that respect.

I'm currently focusing on 'To Grant A Wish', as I'm about to run the Kickstarter for it and it's almost finished, writing wise, but then I will be throwing my full efforts back into Balance of Power and will be able to do the game justice ^^. At that time I'll definitely be looking into potentially working with other people.


Thank you for your interest :D

I'm not closing until end of day Friday, so hopefully you still have enough time 😊

Thank you so much! ☺️ 

I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it.

The current plan is to release an extended demo in the coming months as I finish up the writing side of this game 🙂.

(Also I'm really happy that you like the base name! 😀)

I'm glad that you enjoyed it 😊. 

The plan is to release an extended demo in the coming months while I explore crowd-funding options for the art.

Writing-wise, the game should be finished in the next two months 🙂.

Thank you :D

(1 edit)

I'm glad that Oscar comes off as cute haha.

I was worried that the scene at the end might come off as annoying.

He's one of my favourites to write because of his energy haha.


Thank you for your comment.

Unfortunately I very much doubt that the full game will be released this year, or even the next one.

Development of Balance of Power is currently on hold for a few different reasons (I have made an announcement with the full explanation).

Even when I resume development of the game, unless I am in a position to work on it full time or I find a new partner to work with, the release of the remaining 6 routes will take longer than a year.

Best wishes,


Hello :) ,

Apologies, unfortunately we don't have the game in any other languages yet. I'd love to have it translated in future though 🙂.



It is still in development yes ^^. 

Balance of Power is currently on break right now while I work on To Grant A Wish, for a few reasons which I have shared on the Discord and will soon put in an official update. 

But Balance of Power is still very important to me, and I am determined to bring it to life with the quality it deserves. 

It's not been abandoned 🙂. 

Hi 😊

Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed. 

I'm actually working on Tommy's route now after tentatively finishing Ellis's route. 

It might still be a while until release though I'm afraid, since I'm currently working on this on my own. Truthfully, I could do with finding a co-writer, but since I'm funding it out of my own money, I can't really afford to pay for a writer right now. 

I'm going to do my best though so that everybody gets to see all of these characters stories come to life 🙂

Hi! Thank you so much! :)

I've had a look at the CG's in question, and I think that 2 of them are probably the CG's for Endings 1 & 2 which are somewhat jokey endings that can be unlocked by consistently choosing certain types of answers. I'm not sure what the 3rd missing one is however. The remaining ones after are all from the Halloween update, so I'll have a look if there's maybe a small glitch with one of them :)


Thank you for your message. 

If you're talking about in this build specifically, none of the routes are completed, since it's still a demo 🙂. 

I'm still deciding whether to release individual routes when they're complete or whether to wait until the game is finished/ least a couple of routes are finished before releasing anything :), but either way I'll make a post announcing it when I do. 

I hope this helps, 



Apologies. The Android version is taking a little longer to come out, as it needs slightly different programming, and is a little more difficult for me to bug test (due to different sizes of phones/tablets etc). 

I'll try to have it out by this weekend, but it may take till the end of the month depending on if we find any bugs/problems. 

Sorry for the delay.


Thank you for your comment :) 

I can kind of see what you mean with the sprites ^^. 

I definitely was a little hesitant when it came to accessories or etc, where maybe I could have made them a bit more distinct ^^

Hopefully for future characters/games, you'll like the designs a bit more :) 

I'm glad that the cutscene art looks good though :) 

I'm currently working on adding more choices to the final chapter for the updated demo, and I'll definitely look at adding more choices in earlier scenes as well. 

Thank you for your feedback, and for your interest in our game :D I really appreciate all the support that we get. 

I hope you enjoy the full game when it comes out. 


Hello :) 

Thank you for your comment. I'm actually really happy when people make videos playing our game, because it's really interesting for me to watch and hear people's thoughts or see them play. 

I'm releasing an updated demo soon, with the DLC character intros and some fixes (such as adding more choices in the final chapter and an ending), so it might be ideal to wait for then, but either way, you have my blessing :) 

I hope you enjoy, and thank you for your interest in our demo. 

- Cami


Thank you for your comment 😊.  I'm really glad you enjoyed it. 

Don't worry, I'm still making the game. I'm currently in the process of making an updated demo with a few new endings and introductions to the DLC characters for the sake of a second Kickstarter if we hold one. But no matter what, we're still making the game. It's just a bit more slow going right now as it takes a little longer when funding it ourselves 🙂. 

If you want, you can follow the development on our Discord server, which is where I'll probably post the updates first 🙂, and also just chat to fellow fans and etc. 

You can join here:


I really really love the interactions between the characters :D

The conversations really hit the mark for me, whether it was the fun little banter as they explored or the more emotional scenes that really resonated with me.

I can definitely see the effort that went into every part of this, and it paid off!

I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all comes together when it's finished :)

Thank you so much :D 

I won't spoiler too much, but all hope is not lost with the blonde character. There is a 7th route after all ;).

Thank you for your comment, and I hope you enjoy the full game when it comes out :)


Thank you :D

It's really nice to see comments like this. I've started working on the full game now, so I hope you enjoy it when it comes out :)


Thank you for the message :) 

It'll definitely be a stretch getting as much as I can for this game on £1000 haha, but at least it means I'm able to continue working on it. 

Thank you for the offer to partner with us. It's something that myself and the other developer would have to think seriously about, so perhaps it might be easier to talk over email? :) 

Our email for things to do with this game is: 

Or if you let us know your email perhaps we can message you about it. 


Hello :) 

Thank you for the message :) 

Sorry that it took me a while to reply. I'll respond here rather than on the Kickstarter since it seems a bit easier. 

It's a good suggestion, and we did consider a patreon initially, but my worry is that I just wouldn't have much to show/offer people on a monthly basis. I could try to release one chapter a month, but I think that without all the assets I need, it wouldn't be my best work and I'd feel very conscious putting it out in that state. I'm not sure what else I could offer to make it worth subscribing each month ^^'

Thank you for following us, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game :) 

I hope you enjoy it as much when the full game comes out ^^

Thank you, 

And thank you for all the support you've given thus far :) 

Honestly, it might have been easy to get discouraged and stop working on the project if it weren't for all the really kind comments I've received that make me determined to release the full game for the people that enjoyed it ^^

Here's hoping that with some more time and effort, I'll have more success next time :) 

Thank you :D

I realised I'd not yet taken out the line that said the Kickstarter was still live, sorry about that ^^

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it though :) 

The plan is for there to be another Kickstarter when I've finished writing/programming the game, so your support would be really appreciated :) 

Thank you again :) 

Thank you very much :) 

I'm glad that you enjoyed it :D

I hope that you'll enjoy the full game just as much when it comes out. 

No worries, they're valid questions and I imagine there's quite a few people that want to know the answers :) 

We'll probably launch the 2nd Kickstarter either-

When we have finished all the things we can do by ourselves such as the script and sprites/programming. 


When we think we have enough followers/backing that it'll be successful. 

Whichever comes first (I'd imagine it'll be the former.)

We'll probably offer the same perks (with maybe some extras), although before we launch the second one I was planning to get some feedback about what people would want to see ^^. 

That's our current plan. It might change in the future, but if it does I plan to keep everyone updated and in the loop :) 


Thank you :) 

It means a lot to hear that ^^. 

It's something myself and the other creator have discussed a few times, because it would definitely be helpful considering we're making the game no matter what and each donation would improve it. The only thing is that I have my worries about allowing people to make donations outside of the context of a Kickstarter, because I want to make sure that people are getting something worthwhile in return for their money. If someone donates, say £20, I want to feel as if they've gotten something back that matches that value. 

It's something that we're still thinking about ^^

I'm the meantime though, I really appreciate your words and support :) 


Hello :) 

Yes, sadly I think you're right (although I want to remain hopeful myself ^^). 

Thank you for supporting us. It's easy to get demoralised with the Kickstarter not succeeding, but there's nothing more motivating than seeing that there are still people who want to play the finished game :) 

We won't give up, even if it fails. Luckily, £1000 from the Kickstarter is from a family member, who's said they're going to give us that money even if it fails. The current plan is to use that to buy the sprites we need and a few backgrounds, and continue working on the game. When we have a version that's complete apart from the remaining art that we can't afford (which will be CG's and backgrounds), we'll try and re-launch the Kickstarter. If it succeeds, great :). We'll buy the CGs and backgrounds we're missing and can release the game as we originally intended it. If it fails again, we'll probably release the version with just the sprites, so people can at least see how the story ends ^^. 

I'll probably make a longer post going into more detail when the Kickstarter ends, but hopefully this should at least reassure you for now that none of us intend to let this game go unfinished. 

Thank you again for following this game and for backing the Kickstarter :) 


Haha, I'm aware of the resemblance Ellis shares to Killua, although it was unintentional ^^

Hopefully I'm able to properly distinguish him as his own person in the game ^^

Hello and thank you :) 

I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

The release date for this game is somewhat dependent on the Kickstarter campaign that we're currently running. If it's successful then we hope to release in the first half of 2022 at the latest. If it's unsuccessful then release would take longer since it would have to wait while we can get the funds ourselves (or else we'd have to make it much smaller scale. 

We don't really have a projected release date if the Kickstarter is unsuccessful, although I would continue to do what I could for the game, and make sure the script and programming is finished so that it's only art assets we were waiting on ^^

Either way it goes, when the Kickstarter is finished I'll make a post with the planned next steps and make sure to cover plans for release :) 


I'm afraid I'm not entirely sure. It might be that there was a problem when you extracted the folder? Sometimes that can lead to the game not opening. 

I can only suggest re-downloading and trying again. If that doesn't work, I can try and help further, but I might need more details :) 

Thank you :D 

I'm glad you like him. Ellis is definitely a cutie when you can get past his initial defensivenesss <3 

I was very nervous about the music we had in the demo haha, since we were working with what we could get at the time and that was somewhat limited :) I'm glad that you liked the music for his intro :) 

Thank you so much! :D 

It always blows my mind to see comments like this and see the support we've received thus far. 

I'm really glad that people are enjoying the characters and story and it makes me excited to share more :D

Thank you so much! :D It's always really nice to hear that someone has enjoyed our game :)

I'm glad you're looking forward to their routes :D Marissa and Jack are definitely fun to write for :D.  I'm still hopeful that we may be able to get the funding we need, but I've also got some plans for if not, we definitely won't be giving up on this game :)

I always knew I wanted to include polyamorous routes if I could :) I wanted people to be able to experience the friendship or romance in our game in whatever way they wished and I think there are some really fun and interesting dynamics for me to be able to write :). I hope you're able to find an answer you're comfortable with soon :)

Hello! Thank you :D 

Completely the opposite, I'm really happy that you did. We've heard feedback on the story and characters, but not in depth feedback on the aesthetics like that, so it gave us a lot to think about :). There's definitely a few things that we can take from this to make it better going forward and that kind of feedback in invaluable :D

Thank you again :) 

I was considering an Ellis/Artemis route actually 😃. But I wasn't 100% sure on it yet. I have a good idea for their dynamic, but not the full shape of their route haha. 

That is also a really good point. I would like for the DLC characters to get funded before their polyamorous routes are ideally, because I think it would make them better/more meaningful. 

I'll just have to see how it goes I guess 😅.

Hello ^^, 

No need to apologize :) 

Unfortunately the current plan is for the game to be in the range of £10 - £15 to help make back the costs of making it, and fund any future projects :) . I've been in the position of only being able to play free games before, and I do hope to be able to make a game that we can give out for free to give back to the community, but it will probably have to be a little smaller in scope, or when we have more money to spare as a 'studio'. At the moment, we're just getting established and we need to see if we can make a profit just to know if we can feasibly be indie-devs at all ^^. 

If you want any recommendations for some great free games though, I can happily share some. I hope one day to be able to add to that list myself. 

That might be a good way to handle it actually :D

I'd have to make sure people were aware of that when buying the tier, and that it was equal to the others (or offer it slightly discounted maybe), but that would make a lot of sense :) 

Thank you for your suggestion :D