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A member registered Feb 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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you can still play it on scratch because the moderators were too lazy to remove the hundreds of remixes that changed absolutely nothing

Browser is an HTML file I packaged with turbowarp. Downloaded version is a .exe file I packaged with turbowarp as well. Very grateful that itch gives you the option for both at the same time. If you wanna package scratch games yourself then you’ll have to find a guide because it’s a slightly confusing and lengthy process.

sounds like a you problem

No one else really wants any updates except for you :)



the downloaded version and browser version are the same game, also the only reason it thinks it’s a virus is because it has never seen the file before

very odd, it should just be arrow keys to change cams. I never had any problems with it myself and I know for sure that I’ve extensively tested it.

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Before someone tells me: Leaving the Co-op challenge doesn’t count towards the score. Cowards can’t contribute!

Take that jumpscare like a grown-up!

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uh yeah its possible that you glitched the detection that determines whether the camera is up or not. It comes down to the camera opening/closing animation that can glitch out if you experience a lag spike right at that moment. The safety net I added to prevent that was bugged itself, but NOW everything should hopefully be fine.

(But obviously everything isn't fine, I released this game too early and it's pretty buggy)

it is deactivated on night 1 and can be deactivated in custom night by setting the speed to 0, other than that it should always work


please just accept the fact that this is a hard game

losing is supposed to feel destructive to your soul so no

but here’s what you can do: if you’re feeling panicked or overwhelmed, press the exit button. It’ll end the night and keep your progress. I said it in the tutorial too.

just woke up and did it, it applies everywhere

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I’ll probably nerf the breaker BUT…

It supposed to be quite hard, just keep practicing and review the tutorial if you don’t know how things work. I don’t expect anyone to make major progress in the first two days.

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omg you’re so cute take all my money

you’re the first person I don’t recognize, congratulations! 🏆


wow this is so cool i will definitely support you