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A member registered Oct 15, 2017

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(1 edit)

make sure you've exhausted all of the talk options too, there may also be other requirements (make sure you exhaust all talk options for all characters, esp the bartender for hints)

[edit] even talk options that don't have the question mark next to them can change/result in affection increases after revisiting them, so be sure to do so after every major event (especially the "ask if you can help" option for Bernard, the outcome of which can change depending on your character's STR)

INCREDIBLY promising game! Arguably superior to CoC in a number of ways, although definitely still very rough around the edges. Writing needs a lot of editing and expanding, interface is a bit wonky in places (in particular, the crafting menu becomes unusable after you collect too many different resources, because you can't access the bottom of the list when manually inserting items), some things can get pretty grindy. But all of these things can be fixed, and when they are, this game will undoubtedly be the new hotness.

One really big possible improvement to make would be to implement some sort of  "encounter replay" so that you don't have to go farming for an enemy encounter in order to revisit a sex scene.