A peaceful sky over your head
Recent community posts
I read some information there about episode 8 and the remade game. What does a threesome and ordered characters mean? Will there be a server in diskord for more convenient news and subscription opportunities for the target audience? I would really like to support this work. I would also like to see Naira as a virgin at the beginning of the game if this can be added in the future.
If you are playing through a computer, you should press the Esc button. she will erase this nickname and use the keyboard (namely the arrows and the space bar or the enter button, you can enter your nickname). If you are playing from your phone, then you should simply press the back button (there is an arrow on each phone (minimize the application, exit and back))
If it is also possible to completely remove horseguy from Halloween and make sex in the village only with the main character so that she is happy (without fantasies of big dildos, I beg you). there is also a question: in episode 8, will someone be able to get pregnant from the girls? Or something related to it
Dear developer, please make Naira a virgin in the game at the beginning, I really ask, this will play no small role in the passage for many (you can deprive her of her virginity on a date on the beach), also cut scenes where she said on the beach that she had not been a virgin for a long time + at the beginning of the game she gave a hint that we she liked it (and the fact that she is a virgin as well)
Please add the opportunity to have sex with the main character in the main scene on Halloween (also at the beginning when we are told that we are the winner in the game, there is also the opportunity to refuse the "main prize"). Also, please, if of course they pay attention to this, so that Naira in future episodes (we can choose) with whom she will have sex, for example, if she finds other furry guys in the plot who will offer her sex and that she answers that she is married to our main character! Please, I'm begging you. And in addition, when will episode 8 be released?
I don't want people to bully, especially scientists, the children of our main character. Please make it so that they can be free in the human world and the military protects them at all costs and so that they can return to their island at any time without being watched by people and remain in secret
Even if I'm from Russia, I really love this game. I've always been looking for a game with a very drawn-out and at the same time dramatic plot where there are declarations of love and at the same time unexplored secrets. I wish you a clear sky and as much as possible to be inspired by the continuation of the plot. I hope you will think about the birth of every girl we marry (I would still like the option to marry everyone as well as children from everyone) and arrange new hikes through the unexplored territories of furry girls, but at the same time with girls' children
Дорогий Розробник. Зроби будь ласка після того як закінчиш основний сюдет зробити на початку гри вибір, де Naira буде незайманою і де немає, там де немає, буде основний сюжет як зараз, а там де незаймана то там буде чу-трохи інший сюжет на початку а також під час весілля де вона не говорить що вона позбулася невинності під час побачення на пляжі. Дуже тебе прошу, гра просто вогонь