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A member registered Jul 13, 2020

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game over i died

i like the art and it has a good story, but i wish it was a little bit longer, aand somtimes th camra angle makes the sock hard to control

*Game ends*


yeah same lol

I enjoyed the game alot! The characters have a lot of personailty, And it was really wll made!

I really ike this game and i am glad i played :)  I also love the art.

I spammed the keys and i was fine. LOL

I also really like the art

uploudd the game pls

Same here same here lol

ok :)

sure :)

Yes  you should totally do that!!

Same it does that to me too

Well maybe he will see it idk

Can you please add a voting system where you could have the other crewmates be bots and say stuff in the chat or something thanks 

this game gave me scared me so much 

you can go all the way the right and not get hit at all XD Pls fix his

I love the graphics They are so cute!  And i love the music!!

You have to die 

Mine is Wolfie_Queen just like on here



Nice game

You get my vote :)

I like the boss battle at the end :)

I also love the graphics 

Thanks :)

Its lags

I like the idea...

But the games gets stuck a lot. Like it doesnt know what to do next 

This is mine :)

Its really cute :)

This is a really cool game! Plese do more updates!

I love wolves and am SOOOO glad that they are in the game

press the X button

First ff I love the art for the game and the fact that he petting a cat is just so cute! I like how you can sometimes say different things! There a really good message to the game. And it always really easy to understand! This game made me cry! I think part of it was the music though... An the fact that i have a cat too and wondering what i will do without him...


This contains spoilers for the game so if you don't want any and you have played the game. do that first. 

first off. This is a pretty creepy game I do like the music.I like that you can say different things.And that you can click on different things and you get a tour.Also Maria can teleport XD I like that when you set the camera down you can control/ see yourself. I did take me a little while to figure what to do. Its cool that you have a reason to sleep and it doesn't just force you to. And the part at the end where you figure out that maria is a robot surprised me. Also that kind of explains how she can teleport. The part where she turns ff the camera always makes me jump!

I rate this game a 10/10

i know

Sumi Is back 


Thank you :)

I cant get into a game.. Any suggestions?

To be  honest i wish there was some way to mes up. But otherwise i think that it is really creative :)

What do you use to make these games?

Just wondering because i am interested in making games myself :)