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A member registered Jul 14, 2023

Recent community posts

Awesome game with really good art , do you plan developing into Harold story for more slime drone art content? 

Where is the option to buy the comic

Great game, specially the art very hot , awesome story with corruption and domination theme and the fact that you need the game over to advance the game makes it worth for them to unlock 

I just finished the game so far and Im gonna say It was an amazing experience from the storyline following the characters arcs si far , and of course the corruption, i fell it has more emotion due to history, like imagining happening it to you due to the imersive world, I been wanting to play  the game since i knew about it and now that I did, I fell satisfied, hopefully you´ll be able to continue part 2 this year and see what awaits us

OK I got nyx ending and managed to slightly corrupt him but he went back to normal, any way to fully corrupt him or I need to wait future updates I need to know

Is there a way to further your relationship with Abel, you know getting busy with him, I managed to hug him after echo part, I reached athropus boss without corruption, even lost and escaped but nothing so far with him