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A member registered Jul 10, 2018

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How do I pull the Azaghal route?

so,  after downloading the new file and extract them (assuming they're in zip file), do i copy the new file over the old file, or just play from the new file? Need some info on this part

Richard's route would be available once one of the current route ends, so whose ever route Dybewulf feels like  he can already end after tying loose ebd, he'll end them and Richard's route will begin once the other character has gotten theur updates 

(1 edit)

I've been playing on Android for a while and planning to play on Windows soon. my question here is, if there's new update, after downloading the new file, what do i do so i can just continue from where i left off instead of replay from day 1?

Thanks in advance 

Hey Dynewulf. Just asking, any idea when will MC bring up the idea of moving in with Coach Grifter after that conversation with Richard?

Spencer's a husky, not wolf, though it's close. 

I can't really wait for the whole game to be completed

Enjoying the game, I wished that Azaghald could be a route, though i don't really enjoyed Darius's route

Would love to see some of the stories crossing over, so perhaps one who hasnt played the game would have some idea on the other character's route

Hey Dynewulf. I've been playing this game for the past few weeks after seeing it on youtube. I have to say, i actually love this game and it's a great game, esp with  Coach and Spencer's route. Just asking, would there be somewhat overlapping stories, for example in Spencer's route, MC and Spencer helped Coach Harold with his depression? Or maybe have Spencer/Coach worries on sick MC like in Dozer's route when MC was sick? Just a suggestion.