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A member registered Sep 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi all, 

I'm Fabio, I have spent the last year working on Kings Shire and now have a Demo ready I can share with you!

Kings Shire is a city/castle building simulation game in which you'll take on the role of a king. You'll not only be responsible for building a castle, but also for creating a flourishing economy to acquire all the goods you need for your newly founded kingdom. Financing a new and thriving kingdom will not go unnoticed. Prepare to defend your castle, your citizens and your kingdom at all costs!


Buildings are the heart of your economy. From lumberjacks and mines to forges and breweries, each building provides vital resources for your kingdom.  With simple and complex production chains to produce various goods needed to build, recruit and meet the needs of those follow your lead. 

Design your Castle

Building castles is similar to building new production buildings, but with more freedom that allows you to customize the castle to your liking. 

Instead of a more traditional approach where castle parts have fixed sizes, I have developed a unique system that allows you to change the size of the castle pieces within certain limits. An archway is just an archway until the player decides to add a gate, portcullis, and/or drawbridge to it. It is entirely up to the player you how to combine the available parts according to your taste.

thank you!