when i ran it from a .exe the spawn count got a lot higher with better stability! im gonna play with that in the future
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Ill be the first to admit, the "game" was suppose to be much more flushed out, but i had two deaths in my immediate family back to back. it was a miracle that i even had a submission at all; HOWEVER my goal is to make more games based in the world this takes place in; origionally it was suppose to be alot more like "Running from Mr. X in an expanding maze." but once i get my life together i hope to make a fully fleshed out experience based on the worldbuilding. Thank you for taking the time to play our entry and hopefully I'll publish some games soon that are more "finished"
I love the way you portrayed this. Not inherently scary, not full of shock value and edgy voice overs, it felt very much like "if you know, you know" and a lot of it rang with me personally deeper than shoving the point in my face. Also, I immediately Dialed 911, and you delivered on that, 10/10. I Hope I didn't miss other Easter eggs and I'd love to know how that stretching hall works!