You’ve been sent after a man who has disappeared into the depths of an abandoned spire out in the far reaches of an endless desert. Steeped in a hazy gloom, the sounds of far-off thinking machines clatter away as you wander the empty halls. DIRE is a low poly first-person interactive exploration simulator in a deep, hollow, and forgotten structure.
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Recent community posts
I just finished the second part for the Reclaimer module! This is for the players side of it, I wanted to try and create a Resident Evil style inventory system for the items the players would be collecting. I'd love any thoughts or feedback! I got a bunch of awesome notes on the Reclaimer that were super helpful!
Escape the Galloway station before rival Reclaimers strip it bare
Work together with your team to get in , get out, get paid. The Galloway station on Kara 9 has been forgotten for a long time. From what you can tell it was abandoned in a rush, which means this is a lucrative run for you and your crew. Get in and out before Skellix industries clears it out.
This is my first attempt at a Mothership module and I had a great time making it. If you have any feedback I'd love to hear it.
I've finished all of the base work on the game and wrapped all of the levels. I've got a few more things to wrap up like some extra polish in areas and some sounds that I haven't put in yet. This next month is going to be me gearing up to get a Steam release going and really trying to market the game. Right now I'm thinking of making a few trailers and more screencaps to help build the audience.
Here is a screenshot from the final level.
This week updates were a bit on the slower side, I reworked the UI a bit to show the main story elements you're collecting throughout the game. I've also added a pause menu item that shows all of the story elements you've collected so far so you can read them all in one spot.

I still have some details I need to work around with the jump boosts and when items show up for the player, but I'll be working on that while I'm working on the last level here.
I worked on some new assets for "announcement" style story bits based on feedback from an indie showcase here in town. I've also made lighter grey ones that I can use for some set dressing throughout the world.

I've also been working on more set dressing to make the levels a bit more interesting to walk around in, I've also added a new sprint mechanic that I need to get a bit more tuning in before I'm happy with it. Hoping to release an updated demo with Level 2 100% ready before the end of the year.
This week I've been focusing on rebuilding level 2. I've gone with a really big departure from what it originally was and I'm trying to make the player feel small in the space. I'm hoping to have it on my early access build here in the next few weeks and then I'm going to cut a new trailer or maybe start a devlog as a video. I'm not sure yet. Anyways, here are some screenshots of the current progress.
If you haven't seen my project yet I've put together a trailer a few months back.
I'd love any general thoughts on the over all vibe.
Not sure if this is allowed here but I'm working on a game project and while i build up the art assets I'll be releasing asset packs for free, and a few for purchase.
I just finished my first one, a collectible coin asset.