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Sexy Goddess Game Studio

A member registered Jun 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Good day, in short 1st game day is scripted so it won't let you go to other places, and if that happened, the only reason is that game experienced some kind of an error which allowed you to visit these places. We know this happened to some people but it was so rare we couldn't tell why. If you could reach us on our email and give us more information - what game version you were playing, what platform, and maybe send us your save or copy paste dev log (there is a grey button that copies that to clipboard in game options - dev log - copy err log and then paste it to the e-mail, it will help us fix the problem)  Thank you!

In a few weeks.

Send us your save to our email and we can take a look and maybe fix it for you.

Judy main storyline is not finished yet and will continue after Aquapark eventually leading to her pregnancy, it will be also up to subscribeStar voting what content will be added.


Thank you, we are trying to address weak points in the game and overall improve the gameplay. We knew for long time there wasn't much thing to do in the evenings, so Aquapark update will address that. Despite everyone want animated scenes  with sisters, but also we need locations to be unlocked where you will for example invite Katy to go to. (everyone can't just be at school/park/mall... ) And having a places where girls are in bikiny is important. It will open more options and choices to improve gameplay long term. So thank you for your kind words, we will fight and keep it up or we go bankrupt :D

it's available either here on (in downloads ), or on our webpage or subscribestar

Just to be sure because 0.25.90 had a bug , you tried 0.25.93 version right? Does it get you at least to main menu? Or the problem was to load your older save?

There should be a button that guides you out, if not, try maybe use the "!" symbol on the bottom right to teleport to your bedroom

There is a file within the folder with explicit name, delete it , it's language pack.

There was a bug in 0.25.90 on Android that on some device the loading of saves didn't work, but it was fixed in 0.25.93 where loading saves works fine, try the latest version.

What version, what platform, details please.

On desktop when you save game the menu opens and on bottom right position there is a button "SAVE TO FILE" and vice versa "LOAD FROM FILE" in load menu. No change, it is on same location.

What do you mean?

What save button do you mean? 

Can you share a printscreen or more details?  We have no idea what you are referring to.

When you open options menu and then dev log, does it show any error there?

Or when you start a new game does it happens there as well?

PUBLIC RELEASE (v0.25.90 World of Sisters) - JUDY BIG CONTENT UPDATE with 6+1 sex scenes, Enjoy!

Well some phones despite having higher ram doesn't give it to the application. But there could be many other reasons, we have no idea without more clues. Have you tried the non 2K version?


It should load as textures are smaller there. Give it a try.

The patch is a fan made mod that change some texts into more lewd taboo ones.

Can you give us more information, what platform are you playing it, specs or what device? If it is not working then it is likely to be an issue with your device as we have confirmed it works for 99% of people on all platforms. So either for example android device has limited ram for example for apps or on desktop you might have policy that don't let game store temporary data in location or it was badly extracted from a .zip file. As you can see there could be many reasons, and we could try help you. Reach us on our e-mail if you want to discuss the issue. We can at least try check what could be wrong. 

I wrote you on subscribeStar - reach us on discord:

Thank you very much for your detailed review. In matter of fact many topics you mentioned are being discussed in our team regularly. 

We started with simple idea of writing down list of 30 fetishes and then we assigned them to each girl and build the story around it. At the moment we are still in phase of showing individual girl personalities but soon as more locations are filled in the real deal starts - relationships (we wanted each girl have hobbies / friends & enemies and we have a plan to include MC doing favors for them, where choices will lead to multiple meetups to their friends or foes (to create struggle which make logical sense thx to collision of different personalities) and rewards - eg. knowing someone better / deciding to help the girl with her life struggle). 

The thing that inspired us are shows like how I met your mother / American pies / friends / first 30 mins of not just another teenage movie where you are put in a world of opportunities. Like when you played skyrim for the first time and you couldn't decide where to go first. At the moment we do realize we are not there yet. Just started going in that direction. Look at the increasing pace we are improving: and we believe if we don't give up we could tell a big story. For example Jess - most likable character have the best character story planned, yet zero of it is in the game currently. Threesome with Victoria and Cameron to proove who doesit better by daring MC? Why not! Foursome with Jess / Katy / Judy? And we are not stopping there.

You scratched the surface and our endgame lies in animations with multiple girl characters, swaps, public use, roleplay to the extreme - Eg. Victoria will do anything to keep title of school president by providing blowjobs before election at the toilets... she will think many students are coming there but it will be MC ... like 5 times... imagine the shock when you will meet Charlie coming out from toilet or even Richard like 5 times each and she saying stuff like ''I think I have space for one more vote in my stomach thinking she did 20 guys  but in matter of fact it will be ''Nerds team'' going there and pretending they were different boys. And NTR... well I am old school creator, who want to drive the spark of imagination by writing strong ideas  and let them compete which one feels the best, no matter if they are my ideas or summited by someone - I believe this is the strength every game could use and boi we just scratched the surface. We are even considering adding some options early on that will for example give options to skip all NTR scenes (now that we have many scenes even this creative option could make sense - we definitely don't want force anyone to see scenes that hit you like a hammer in the face, but let Player decide) 

So there are plenty of opportunities, and to achieve them in reasonable delivery time we would need 1-2 more people in our team, sadly because of Patreon ban we are still on the edge of survival working on the game. But we are not giving up and that's why fans like you matter and we will be always willing to discuss ideas with cool people like you who understand the insane amount of work behind our efforts - 2D VN adult games are time costly AF!

Use the move like horse moves from chess and the direction the horse is heading, then proceed from top to bottom and you will get 3left from the top, then 4th left then 1st right and 2nd left Hope it helps.

We are open to talk about ideas, you may contact us on our e-mail Or visit our discord and ask we can even have voice call.

Can you be more specific when, how?
We just tried it and couldn't reproduce or find any bug, maybe it doesn't happen always. The dirty clothes in sisters room disappear after you pick clothes in your bedroom. If you send us your save we can check it (on our email)

It is definitely on our road-plan, and first we want to finish some big updates before we can consider going to steam.

it is patched

the only cheating on someone could be initiated optional by you as main character... basically game allows you dating multiple girls at the same time which is technically ntr but the choice is yours

Also fun fact we will include more scenes related to gaining skills - through series of animated sexscercises .It will be more appealing this way to look forward to trainings.

Yes we are aware the game weakness that some conversations don't lead to a sex scenes as some characters don't have them... YET.  This is in top 5 opportunity issues we want to improve and we are making steps in that direction. So basically the good news is we have a plan to include many more within the next 6 months by expanding certain stories, (starting with at least 3 teachers, 4 students) so basically you will be able to date more girls and talking to them will lead to a scene, plus also visit more locations on the map. We will see how quickly we can get to this.

ABSOLUTELY AWESOME Thank you very much for sharing the guide, mind if I include it in the instructions?

For android - Just download new version and during installation it will say "update" (Don't uninstall app as it will delete saves with game as well)

For Desktop and others: Just download the game, extract it and play, game will automatically find and upgrade your saves and let you continue play in the story.

Have a wonderfull day.

We got banned on patreon for using ''step-sister'' fantasy, and we also lost fanbase there and all income, that's why we moved to subscribeStar, same tiers, just different platform. We are continuing in game development still, despite we are in red numbers.

We also made 0.25.20 Judy Mall fuck released for public with this update and each shifted. Sadly the early access is the only thing which pays for us making more content. Please if you enjoy the game visit out SubscribeStar, even as a free follower you gain access to lot's of sneak peak content there too.

Write us an e-mail, in the case of previous user the newest game version resolved the problem

Thank you for sharing the work around.

It is likely there was some error that happened which break the progression. I can recommend temporarily to skip to open world through skip content and this problem should already be solved in newer version. Reach me our PM on our e-mail if you want.

Can you open options -> LOG and see if there is any red marked error (default should be 0) Anything > 0 usually means game tried to recover from some exception or something unexpected.

It is likely you have some bug or something, there is no easy answer, it depends heavily on what version were you playing, if you played in version before that (saves are upgraded) , if you used cheats, on what moment of the game it happened, was it introduction, etc. Regarding these questions please reach us on our e-mail - we will try to help.

We will try to assist you, can you please send your save to our e-mail we will take a look and if possible fix it for you.