Hey, thanks for reaching out and sorry to read the game is giving you trouble! What do you mean exactly by 'couldn't access' ? Do you mean you click the sandbox icon, and nothing happens?
Wessel Stoop
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hey Boris, thanks for your report! Indeed, the game tries to do a save before a timeskip, so if the save is not working, so won't timeskips. I discovered yesterday that animals in the deep sea lead to corrupt saves (and thus problems you describe)... let me know if you of other things that lead to save problems!
Hi xenopunk0, thanks so much for following for such a long time, and also for reaching out! This is definitely a graphical glitch... it reminds me a bit of the grass problem that older versions of the game had in Linux (OpenGL). If you are not on Linux or on an older version of the game... would you be willing to send over a crash log to thesaplinggame@gmail.com? I might be able to see what is going on in a log file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sapling\the_sapling_Data) or crash report (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Wessel Stoop\The Sapling).
Hey Lorewise, thanks for your report! This sounds very much like the game ran into an internal problem. I might be able to see what is going on in a log file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sapling\the_sapling_Data) or crash report (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Wessel Stoop\The Sapling). Are you by any chance willing to send these to thesaplinggame@gmail.com ?
Hey Krory90, the game only makes you go through the first scenario to avoid the sandbox being too overwhelming. If you want to place an alga, and the game says the ocean depth is not correct, you can either make it 'longer' (dragging up the red arrow in the editor) or shorter (dragging down the red arrow)... does that help?
Thanks for your input! There FAQ also addresses this if you're interested: https://thesaplinggame.com/faq
Thanks for your input! There FAQ also addresses this if you're interested: https://thesaplinggame.com/faq
Hi TurtleCroc, what do you mean by 'make pay yourself'? There is a community Discord: https://discord.gg/Dg87jbWkPQ
Hi Rodand, thanks for buying, and sorry to read you don't have access to the supported platforms. I think itch.io supports refunds: https://itch.io/support . Feel free to cc thesaplinggame@gmail.com, I'll help out.