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Wessel Stoop

A member registered Nov 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you :)

Hey, bug fixing is currently on halt as I'm working on the next big update, but lots of helpful players keep sending me repros (lists of steps on how to reproduce unintended behavior). If you are aware of a repro, let me know!

Hey, thanks for your suggestions and artwork! Currently halfway the next big update, so I definitely take notes when people take the time to elaborate on their ideas!

Hi xenopunk0, thanks so much for following for such a long time, and also for reaching out! This is definitely a graphical glitch... it reminds me a bit of the grass problem that older versions of the game had in Linux (OpenGL). If you are not on Linux or on an older version of the game... would you be willing to send over a crash log to  I might be able to see what is going on in a log file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sapling\the_sapling_Data) or crash report (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Wessel Stoop\The Sapling). 

Hey, thanks so much for your ideas (with illustrations even), and sorry for totally missing them until now.  Without making promises, I like your ideas about melanin. Would you claim that animals in sunnier areas of the world are also darker on earth because of this?

Thank you for so many ideas! Without making promises, these are all ideas I like! I will now go and google 'spore droppers' :)

Hey Lorewise, thanks for your report! This sounds very much like the game ran into an internal problem.  I might be able to see what is going on in a log file (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sapling\the_sapling_Data) or crash report (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Wessel Stoop\The Sapling). Are you by any chance willing to send these to ?

Hey Krory90, the game only makes you go through the first scenario to avoid the sandbox being too overwhelming. If you want to place an alga, and the game says the ocean depth is not correct, you can either make it 'longer' (dragging up the red arrow in the editor) or shorter (dragging down the red arrow)... does that help?

(1 edit)

At the moment, I have no plans for a tutorial, but good to know you would be interested in that!

Just added it to Itch as well!

Just added it to Itch as well!

Thanks for your input! There FAQ also addresses this if you're interested:

Thanks for your input! There FAQ also addresses this if you're interested:

Thanks for your feedback! What 'rotate control' are you referring to exactly? The camera in the editor perhaps?

Thanks for your input, much appreciated!

I notice that players with smaller amounts of RAM have crashes more often, but other than that the performance is mostly determined by the map size and less by the hardware ;)


Without making promises, it's an idea I like, thanks!

Ah right, but wouldn't that mean most people would pay way less?

Hi TurtleCroc, what do you mean by 'make pay yourself'? There is a community Discord:

Hey Hiimreg, there are no short term plans to support other platforms, but (as you can see below) Mac support is often requested, so if I ever want to expand, Mac will definitely be the first choice.

Thanks! Without making promises, all of these are ideas I'm interested in!

Without making promises, nearly all of these are ideas I'm very interested in :)

Hi Rodand, thanks for buying, and sorry to read you don't have access to the supported platforms. I think supports refunds: . Feel free to cc, I'll help out.

I'm here and responded below :)

Hi Rodand, thanks for buying, and sorry to read you don't have access to the supported platforms. I think supports refunds: . Feel free to cc, I'll help out.

Thanks! Next update will be presented in Youtube devlogs in a few weeks

Hey Caden, there are no short term plans to support other platforms, but (as you can see below) Mac support is often requested, so if I ever want to expand, Mac will definitely be the first choice.


<3 Also good to know you would be interested in a Mac build!

Hey Drake, I can't guarantee it will run on a Chromebook, but I can tell you there is a dedicated Linux build, so that should make life easier for you!

Hey, sorry for the late reply! This is not officially supported, but if you open the cheat field with Shift+C, and then type 'continuous', the game should continue when out of focus... hope this helps1


Hi Bharris, it will be a download only.

Hey RoyalDragon, sorry to hear you have problems running the game on Linux, and thanks for reaching out! I can see from the Steam stats that the game is frequently being played by Linux players, so there must be something special for your situation; could you perhaps elaborate a bit on what happens exactly?

Thanks for the suggestion TeDe3! Any body plans in particular you had in mind?

Thanks a lot, very good to read :) . Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with opening the game the 'normal' way!

Hi Victor, that is indeed weird! I heard from some players that having Citrix installed might block the game from starting... perhaps that's also the case for you?


Thanks a lot for making my day with your lovely comments; at times I am flooded in bug reports and a message like yours is exactly what I need to keep going... so thanks!

And I indeed take suggestions! In fact, I get 10+ lists of feature requests every day on various platforms, and I study them all in detail. Your ideas are very interesting! Without making any promises, more flexibility in the sandbox map is indeed often requested and an idea I really like, and aquatic life is the most requested feature by far ever :P.