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A member registered Jul 03, 2019

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Oh yeah! looking forward to it. Would also love to see a lot more fleshed out content with the various elves as well. Seems disappointing that you have so little usage for Jin (The sister if I got the name wrong from memory) I would love to see more of a relationship built up with her. Oh and the blonde Milf gets my juices flowing so of course more with her. The option of actually building a real relationship with one of the girls and still keeping your "harem' would even be a nice thought. Maybe a chance at getting Ashleys mom into it. She looks like a potential buttslut.  Some dungeon training for her and then room service duties. Some more competitions would be fun. Basicly some more real world interactions involving the usage of your "purchases" so to speak. You made them submissive so put them to use. Great way to generate funds for the hotel even. Man this has some serious potential for some amazing story content to unfold. Love this game so much.

Lin will ask the character to give her anal sex in her laptop scene where she is viewing the porn. I think the optiion either comes available then or shortly after as she will ask for more anal (at least the little buttslut did in mine) Haven't got to the contest yet and she has had anal sex 25 times already. Everything stat wise on her is at least 20 except handjobs and footjobs. Hand jobs I stopped at 12 as she was already a pro and if I recall hanjob isn't a big deal with the contest. Her slutiness is well over 100 already. Just keep at it as a lot of stuff just randomly pops on its own to progress the story. Or at least that's how it seems anyway. I ignored almost everyone else and just concentrated on building up Lin from the getgo. Kali is the only one I have finished all levels of dungeon with other than Lin and Jin so far. Started training the little bitch Ash in there recently but not far with her yet.

No kidding. My most recent download is up to 4.9 gb. 10.1 i think? Love this game but its getting to be a pain to download it all every time its updated and I most certainly want the updates. Fantastic work so far.

I would also like to see the elves story lines fleshed out more. Maybe reversing Jins not being able to become pregnant and giving her employment within the hotel as well. Pregnancies for all the elves and being able to sell future offspring or employ them. Male elves can be security or in house functions, More serious sexual relations with Ellen. I am happy with your updates so far and can easily see how much thought and effort you have put into this game so far. Please don't just give up on it and toss it away like so many other games are. I am having a lot of fun but mainly i have concentrated on Lin for the main part. Pregnancies could be cool. The android could run an in house nursey and nurse all the infants. And maybe some of the guests as well. Maybe a threesome with Religious chick and her coffeeshop sister? But seriously I would love to see Jin get added into the hotel with more story as it is a pain to get to screw her but she has a story that is false. She goads you to fill her up yet she plainly states she fixed herself to not be able to get pregnant. As her owner you should be able to get that reversed so she can. (Optional of course, some folks aint into the pregnancy idea.) More Dungeon activity of course with more girls. Basicly for sure with the other elves as essentially they ARE your property after all. Some disclipline and submissive behavior would be good for them as well as Obedience training as well. Maybe if they use the hot springs and go to the coffeshop with Master it will boost their friendship/affection level. Just some ideas. It is entirely up to you of course. No way in hell am I complaining about the great job done so far.

My big issue with this at the moment is I can't come up with a successful conclusion to my meeting alone with Cherie in her home. Without one Cassidy leaves the game every time. This is really beginning to aggravate me as I think I tried all conversation paths with no good endings. I can't stand Dwayne at all. 

You put the camera where all good cameras go.....on your office computer. I know it offers you the opportunity to also put it on Aletta's comp as well but I don't think there is anything available for that yet or if its even planned. You can't use but one camera yet and tht seems to be the one in your office. Could be a fun addition as well for future use. 

As for the evidence. Talk to Lavish, in her conversations section it should have a magnifying glass icon to discuss investigation. Have good love points with her. She should of to help. Audrey as well although she never is any help. Avoid Shiori as she offers to help but actually hurts instead. Alleta as well can help. Also hack Alleta;s computer in morning or evening after she ISN"T in her office. Just remember she works out every day before work so its a good time to skip your workout and snoop. May take more than one attempt. Usually takes me two . TIP: DO NOT GET TO 100% prior to your meeting time with daddy's little slut in your office. If you do in my game I did not get the meeting at all. However if you get to like 65% to 80% then do the meeting part and record it then after get the remaining part to 100% everything seems to work out great for you. Enjoy the results. I did.

It also unlocks a funny uniqque way for you to die as well in the game. If you get bored, drive to the beach at 2000 after work and swim at night. If you get that there is a lifeguard running towards you then you have the jaws scene. Enjoy. I laughed even as I had to start over again because my dumb butt had not saved recently. Wonders how many other sneaky things are hidden in the game that were missed or not found yet. Very nice touch.

Most of the time for me it kicks off the event as 
I enter but once I had to wait  until it popped. Keep pressing the wait button as it will pop. I still haven't got a call from Sam to kick off an event though that you can get after her wedding. So your game might be bugged. Also i can't get a load screen only a save screen on my game. Qload only loads just one save and it is never the current one.  Might need to reload my own.

Does he ever get anything other than a handjob and some pics from Autumn as she is hot and would love to see her corrupted to the fullest. Maybe a 3some with her sister?

Are you planning to expand this in the future maybe? Really hope you do! Also more Ellen and Jin as well hopefully.

You unlock some interactions apparently based on how you progress with characters. Try raising different traits higher so you can get better responses or reactions. Try shopping for items to get a new story option open. Sometimes its simply that you haven't gone far enough through the characters storyline as well. Make sure to click on other characters aside from the hotel residents as well as some have some very interesting material attached to them as well. Hope to see future expansions of some of them. Hint traits such as exhibitionism should be pursued to the full potential for the best results. Don't just do the one activity and stop. Max that out for better future results. It pays off nicely. Especially with Lin.

I found where it shows story 5/5 and secrets 9/11 in my game. I found 5 in my apt (1 in each room), 1 in the cafe, 1 in the school hallway, and 2 in the classroom (1 on the window and 1 on the bookshelf). What location am I missing as I found none in the post office? I will note that clicking on the vending machine in the post office effectively rolled my game back just like rolling the mouse wheel does just so you know about it. Thanks.

I found where it shows story 5/5 and secrets 9/11 in my game. I found 5 in my apt (1 in each room), 1 in the cafe, 1 in the school hallway, and 2 in the classroom (1 on the window and 1 on the bookshelf). What location am I missing as I found none in the post office? I will note that clicking on the vending machine in the post office effectively rolled my game back just like rolling the mouse wheel does just so you know about it. Thanks.

Guessing the end is after the maid suit scene at the cafe as everyone is unavailable to interact with from then on and only mail is able to be sorted at the post office. There seriously needs to be something to guide you to a next task or let you know when you can't proceed any further. Replayed everything a couple times trying different paths and nothing seems to change. Can't attend Class in the school by clicking the chai as it just returns an in progress message and all you can do using the chair is daydream. I found a ton of secret scenes, some for material I never got to play as I only was able to download the prologue, the christmas scene, and the current version. All the other versions just give the current one as a download instead of the title version. Nice photo's though. Game has been fun up to this point. Hope it is just something I have not done yet and keep missing. Sick of sorting mail. Made over 5000 doing that already. Tired of it. Bought lockpicks already too and perved on  both housemates as well.  I just don't see what I haven't done. Followed guy from the school as well to his home and made out in the bushes too. Any help would be nice as you can't go visit neighbor in the hall and can't call nurse or the German Teacher on the phone either. Be nice to go back to the Library for some that Milf tail there too. Hopefully the good doctor is gonna give up some as well after teasing the crap out of you during the checkup. Thanks.

Ok did that.  I get to daydream only. Attend class returns a message of Action in Progress or something along those lines.  The only thing I can do is sort mail down at the post office. There is no one in any of the rooms in the apartment until they are in bed asleep at night. There is no one at the cafe. And the only people in the school are the girls I can't interact with. Found a bunch of secret scenes just clicking around in different rooms trying to find something to do other than sort mail. Already made over 5000 dollars doing that so far,  It sucks that there is nothing to guide you as to wait you need to do next. No way to call anyone. No way to visit the neighbor who gives the good BJ's after you taught her how to do it either. Tried doing these jobs in different orders but still get stuck at same place every time. Girl at cafe says meet her the next day and has a full meter but she never shows up again. Very frustrating not getting to anything in a game that was very fun up to now.