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Wren The Forrester

A member registered Sep 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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haha yesss, the Best gender

haha yeah, wasn't quite sure which way you were kidding so I was being a bit careful

I... I'm actually not sure. I don't think it does, no.

awesome, thanks!

thank you !! that's such a compliment wow. I'm glad you like my silly lil game <3

This looks so awesome! I love it. Might there any chance of getting a pages setup? Currently there's just spreads. <3

thank you! When I started I didn't really think of it as one, but as I continued to refine it that vibe fell into place. I'm glad it's resonating with folks.

Thank you for such kind words. I definitely agree, this jam has produced so many awesome and inspiring entries. I'm waiting for it to end before I really look at all of them in detail, but what I have seen so far has been great.

Thank you so much! That is exactly what I wanted to communicate with this. I'll admit that I was a bit hesitant to publish this, feeling that it wasn't really "worth" making a game about. I'm so happy to see that it's connecting with folks!

Thank you! Same here, I just gotta figure out what to put in them....

thank you! Winning no matter what happens after was an important idea for this

haha thank you so much! Great minds think alike, I'll have to check out your game as well! And yes I felt that adding winning to this might help encourage people juuust a little bit more. Thanks!<3

haha only if you want it to be! Genders are strange and fallible things.

it took a second to figure out, but looking back at our original gender-making thread, bonne ninery was a bastardization of non-binary. (non-binary -> bon-ninary -> bonne ninery)

I love this so much! Will definitely be using it for any Mausritter games I might play in the future

Thank you so much! I'm really happy that you enjoyed and got some inspiration from my little design experiment. <3

Thank you! I'm happy that you enjoyed playing, and I hope the map you made serves you well in the future! <3

oooo, this looks very fun

Man the design of this is so cool! Great stuff

Thank you so much for checking out my game! I'm really happy that it was helpful for you. I'm disabled myself and always appreciate it when folks offer community copies for their games, so I try my best to do the same.

I hope you enjoying playing! <3

oh wow thank you so much! glad you like it

become GLOMPED you fool

that's so many countries! glad you enjoyed

Yess those are some good ones. I'm glad you enjoyed!

Thank you so much!! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it. I'm really happy that you got so much out of my game, I'm honoured. :)

Thank you so much! I'm happy you enjoyed it :3

ooohhh yes I would love to see some more stuff from Mr. Candle!

And yeah, I don't think the term unfiction is super commonly used, but I like it and feel that it's a fitting word for works like this, where things appear to be real but also are very much not.

This is such a cool concept, I love the layers of unfiction. I really want to see more of what Sitzprobe Assemblage "actually" looked like, but alas, that is the point of this all ain't it. We aren't allowed to see the whole thing.

This is so fucking cool! Amazing art direction and style, and the game is so interesting. I haven't gotten to play it just yet but I'm sure that it'll be great

I have no idea what I just played but that was great

ye something like that. Hope you find a fun silly gender !

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Yeah that's sort of the point. Gender has meaning but for me and a lot of others that meaning changes depending on context. In this context specifically it's kind of being thought of as an intimate definition of self, not so much just what literal gender you are or whatever. Although honestly it was just me and some friends having fun thinking of different things that could be somewhat considered a "gender."

What don't you understand?

Love it! The design of it all is great. Although I do find it a little difficult to read all of the text.

It feels weird to comment on something that was published awhile ago, but I just had to. This was so cute to play! I loved it.

All the dialogue was so well written, and you could really feel that these are actual characters who have relationships that extend past the short while that you get to see them.

Lovely stuff. Thank you for making this.

(1 edit)

Oh man this was a fun surprise to see on my dashboard! That was so good. Simple yet full of energy and flavour. Great stuff!

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that was beautiful. This was my first real experience with a fully digital zine and it has set the bar very high.

Thanks a lot!

interesting! that's a fair enough reason as any I suppose

Thanks so much! Glad you approve